FT Simple Storch - Quick Tips! (BUILD Supplemental)


Staff member

The FT Simple Storch can be setup with all kinds of fun configurations. The build video covered one setup.


Leading edge slats come with your speed build kit and are also included in the free plans.





Separate ailerons and flaps is another mod you can setup. For this, you will need a y-harness connection for your servos.

In most cases, you'll need to enable flaps on your radio.

The window decal kits is another way to add that classic Storch look to your classic foam board warbird.

Thanks again for all of your support. Be sure to click the links below to check out the main build video of the FT Simple Storch as well as the review!


FT CAD Gremlin
Staff member
Thanks for the tips on spray painting with a rattle can. I'm going to give this a try on some of my planes. One question, does spray paint effectively waterproof the plane?


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
It will waterproof the areas (wouldn't trust the edges without something else, like Hot Glue) but that's assuming the paper doesn't de-laminate from the paint. If you're careful it won't, but you need to spray from far enough away that the propellant can dispurse and in light enough coats the solvents don't over-saturate the paper.


have you seen my Champ?
Just watched this episode and spotted Peter holding what looked like a scaled down Storch fuselage. Are there plans for such a craft, maybe a 75% FT Storch. I really like the plane but am worried I do not have enough space to fly it. If a ~36" WS version existed, maybe flown on a 2 cell 1000 maybe or smaller, I would love it. Or if some knows how to scale down the plans that would work for me too.

Great design, great video, and great tips from Josh and Peter.

Thanks guys and keep it up.



Senior Member
Anyone know what motor setup is on the plane that Bixler is working on in the video? That thing looks pretty dang big compared to the recommended motors they list for it.


Sunny Day Park Flyer
Anyone know what motor setup is on the plane that Bixler is working on in the video? That thing looks pretty dang big compared to the recommended motors they list for it.

That's still a 1200KV motor, and it is a park 450 equivalent, Lazertoys is selling THE BEEF with an 1100KV motor, but I'm just using the 980KV one from my Spitfire.


Sunny Day Park Flyer
Do You have to Minwax the plane before spray painting? Does the minwax make the spray paint application more difficult?


I would think the Minwax would make spraying less difficult. Saturating the paper would not be as much of an issue.

Joker 53150

Mmmmmmm, balsa.
For those using the vinyl graphics, keep in mind that humidity is your enemy. The application paper (sticky stuff you can sort of see through) will let loose in high humidity conditions. Temperature can also be a factor, so try to let the pieces all acclimate to a typical air conditioned (if possible) 70-80 degree F range. The air conditioning dries the air. I work with this stuff all the time on large commercial vehicles and we often delay any installation work when it's raining or very humid outside.
I'm confused about adding flaps. I wanted to give this a try and this plane looks like a good one to get some practice.

It appears that there are ailerons AND flaps. I could easily Y in 2 servos and connect them to a switch and set my percent of throw, but then josh mentions flaperons. What I think is happening is that the flaps are being given some aileron mixing to assist with slow flying.

I thought flaperons where when you used the ailerons also as flaps. wouldn't flaperons require separate channels for each servo? Josh shows using a Y cable for the flaps and again in the setup mentions flaperons. so confused.....

anyway... IF the above is correct mixing the flaps with the ailerons so that basically the plane has ailerons AND flaperons - then I guess i'm just wasting space in the forum. It would have been nice if he had shown the controls working even 10 seconds would have been enough to show it in action.

Any help/advice/input is welcomed

- Jes


Some guy in the desert
I've painted a few of my FT planes. Spray paint will work...but it's REALLY tough to do it well. You have to use REALLY REALLY light coats so as not to warp the foam and delaminate the paper. Spray from at least 12" away and be patient letting coats dry fully before re-spraying.

Minwax makes it MUCH easier since you don't have to worry about warping and delamination. Once I learned about minwax I've done it to all my FT builds and it takes paint wonderfully. Though I've switched to using the $1 bottles of cheap acrylic from Walmart thinned with generic windex from DT - it has a flat finish which I don't mind but it goes on a lot lighter than spray cans.

I generally minwax my foam as soon as I get it now but then let it dry for a month or two before building with it so I don't have any issues with hot glue not wanting to bond with it. I'm currently out of foam and have a stack of plans I'm itching to build though so I may just try minwaxing after the build next time.


Staff member
I'm confused about adding flaps. I wanted to give this a try and this plane looks like a good one to get some practice.

It appears that there are ailerons AND flaps. I could easily Y in 2 servos and connect them to a switch and set my percent of throw, but then josh mentions flaperons. What I think is happening is that the flaps are being given some aileron mixing to assist with slow flying.

I thought flaperons where when you used the ailerons also as flaps. wouldn't flaperons require separate channels for each servo? Josh shows using a Y cable for the flaps and again in the setup mentions flaperons. so confused.....

anyway... IF the above is correct mixing the flaps with the ailerons so that basically the plane has ailerons AND flaperons - then I guess i'm just wasting space in the forum. It would have been nice if he had shown the controls working even 10 seconds would have been enough to show it in action.

You are getting confused, because he is showing different setups.

You can fly the Storch with just ailerons and use a programmable transmitter to have flaperons.

But you can also cut out the flaps as shown in the video and use the flaps isolated from the ailerons.

And to make things worse, you can use flaps + ailerons, but program the flaps to give a little more aileron surface ;)


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
It *can*, but Josh is recommending not to -- you'll need all the aileron authority you can get as the wing slows WAAAAAY down.

You *could* do flaps mixed as ailerons with some successs:

- four surfaces on the wing using 3-4 channels
- outer alieron surfaces Y-ed or connected to their own channels, and mixed to act only as ailerons
- inner flap surfaces connected to their own channel -- NO "Y"! They'd be mixed in the radio to act together as flaps according to the flap switch *and* mixed to act opposed to each other following the aileron flap next to them.

Fairly complicated setup, requiring *at least* 6 channels to fly and 2 mixes, assuming you can use the radio's built-in flap mixing . . . but completely do-able.

Adding an extra channel for seperate ailerons then two more mixes to get them to oppose their neighboring flap will get you crow, but then you're talking a "lets just fall out of the sky" switch ;)


Senior Member
I'm curious was Peter's paint tips what was teased at in the fire and rescue episode? I thought he was going to reveal something new on weatherproofing dtfb.


New member
I'm curious was Peter's paint tips what was teased at in the fire and rescue episode? I thought he was going to reveal something new on weatherproofing dtfb.

I'm expecting that in a future episode. Something was mentioned about that in the Fire and Rescue episode.
You are getting confused, because he is showing different setups.

You can fly the Storch with just ailerons and use a programmable transmitter to have flaperons.

But you can also cut out the flaps as shown in the video and use the flaps isolated from the ailerons.

And to make things worse, you can use flaps + ailerons, but program the flaps to give a little more aileron surface ;)

Any recommendations on a preferred setup? I've never used flaps but my first choice is to keep it simple and Y in the ailerons and then Y in the flaps.


Joker 53150

Mmmmmmm, balsa.
I'm planning on using the slats as well as flap control on mine, even if that can slow it down too much. The radio programming should allow me to switch from flaps to flapperons as needed. I like the authenticity of both the flaps and slats.


FT CAD Gremlin
Staff member
Any recommendations on a preferred setup? I've never used flaps but my first choice is to keep it simple and Y in the ailerons and then Y in the flaps.


I went with the flaperons on mine. Alex recommended it and I'd have to say, that it's a great route for me so far. I'm happy with it. I'm planning to build a second wing for the ailerons/flaps/removable slats configuration. I'll also add the slits in the flaperon wing to be able to add the removable slats to that one as well. That way, I can try all the different wing configurations out.