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My son and I have been carefully building the FT Tutor. This is our fourth speed build kit, and we vowed “no mistakes!”. Our first model, the Simple Cub, was kind of sloppy as we had never built with foam board. Our second, the Tiny Trainer, suffered an upside down elevator which meant control rods were not positioned correctly. The third, DR1, had a bad z-bend on the rudder servo causing it to never spring back to center. That said, we’ve had a lot of fun flying / crashing / fixing the TT and DR1!
Now to the Tutor wing: I accidentally glued the main spar to the top vs bottom of the wing (inside of the wing) which lead to a slightly different crease angle on each side of the wing. The result: one side of the wing has a slightly steeper leading edge and is about 1mm longer than the other. Otherwise, the wing looks great. Could a tiny bit of aileron trim solve the asymmetric shape?
Now to the Tutor wing: I accidentally glued the main spar to the top vs bottom of the wing (inside of the wing) which lead to a slightly different crease angle on each side of the wing. The result: one side of the wing has a slightly steeper leading edge and is about 1mm longer than the other. Otherwise, the wing looks great. Could a tiny bit of aileron trim solve the asymmetric shape?