Is there a contest for longest build time? I started building this plane back in 2010, it was going to be my first scratch-build RC plane.
That didn't happen for a lot of reasons.
Originally I covered it with tissue, but decided I wanted a more durable covering so I stripped it and applied some Monokote. I only had enough money for one color so it looked horrible and was way too heavy. The plane sat for a while and then I stripped it and put on tissue again.
I had tried installing a park 180 size motor in it, which was bigger than the plane needed but was the smallest I could find at the time. That motor now flies my mini-scout.
This was my first electric, so when I accidentally reversed the throttle channel, shot the plane across the room and tore the front off I learned about the importance of programming a throttle cut and testing with the prop removed.
The plane sat for a while longer before I cut out the 1/16" plywood firewall and removable servo tray I thought I would need. At some point I had to rebuild the h-stab when the glue joints failed. The new one had gussets on all four corners. Originally I had built the plane like a rubber-powered model so the gear, wings, and tail all attached with magnets. I put the plane on a diet and removed a number of them. The tail glued on permanently and the center section of the upper wing glued on too. I kept the wings and landing gear removable.
And then it sat again, this time atop my kitchen cabinets. By the time I got back to it all the tissue had soaked up years of aerosolized cooking oil and had to be replaced again.
A few months ago I got tired of looking at the poor thing sitting on my bench, so I put in an order for some UMX electronics from Banggood. A month later it still hadn't shipped, so I canceled the order and tried again. This week it came in and I was able to install a 1304 4000kv motor, micro receiver, and two micro servos.
And now, FINALLY after 11 years, 5 apartments, multiple lost parts, an airframe diet, and multiple covering jobs, my first ever scratch build is finished.
As soon as it warms up I'll try to get her flying.
Flying weight with a 600mah 2s: 4.1oz
Wing loading: 2.8oz/sqft
Cubing wing loading: 2.3
This little thing should be a real floater.