FTFC Builduary 23 -ligbaer


50 Percenter
I’ll edit this post when I have something meaningful to say

-Random trainer I have templates for
-FB Super 60.
-Dominator wing
-widgeon (either same one from last year or Hotwire cut design)

Last one is subject to change depending on how I feel at the last week
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50 Percenter
Build 4: Widgeon
I built one last year and it was a really great plane im gonna be running it off 2 2205's instead of 2207's this time around.


50 Percenter
I’ve been building but havent beeb updating the build log, my bad 😅. Im half way through but ill still try to update as much as possible for the last 2 builds. I’ll just count it as a late start.


Building Fool-Flying Noob
We look forward to updates when you can write them. A picture or two would be cool to see what you've done. Keep it up. I hope they fly well.


50 Percenter
So I lied about me actually doing it :( I got 2 builds done but i will still be building, I have a decently sized build that I have been designing so I'll open up a build thread when I start building it. ill still be working on this even after feburary just because I need planes to fly now that the weather is better.