Mighty Mini Vampire by James Whomsley
Most of the plane was cut from 1 sheet of DTFB, wing was cut from Ross FB. (I messed up gluing the first wing)
Two mods.
First I used a 10 inch skewer in the tail booms with a FB doubler (didn't have balsa).
Second I created a short fat stubby power pod to make access easy, so the front and back of the fuselage come off.
I used 9g servos all around.
Motor currently is an 1808 kv2400 from HobbyKing.
ESC 20a
Receiver Turnigy (Flysky) TGY-i6x.
Tail and wing tips will be painted red, as soon as it warms up again.
Ready to fly, everything in it except the battery.
Really a fairly easy aircraft to build, the only complexity is folding the wing over symmetrically, and the curved nose. It does need a cockpit canopy, for looks, which is not in the plans.
Flying ?????
It is a great looking little model, some people report being able to exceed 100mph with a 4s setup. I haven't flown it yet, primarily because I'm chicken to. But, I'm looking forward to trying it out when I have some more experience.