Good Naze32 PIDs for Blackout Style quad with 6x3 props?


Senior Member
Hi all,

So since my Foldy decided to go on a journey of self discovery yesterday, I decided to finish rebuilding my H-Quad. It's a Blackout style 250mm quad with 1804 motors, AfroMini (Naze32) FC, and 12A EMAX ESCs. It was flying well on 5x3 props before it's crash that required a rebuild. However, I currently only have 6x3 props on hand, and I just can't get it tuned for some reason.

It's nice and stable with no wind, but as soon as a gust of wind hits it, it becomes all twitchy, and starts oscillating all over the place. I tried Autotune on Cleanflight, and it didn't help at all, made it a lot worse actually. I tried moving the P and the I up and down. From what I understand, to get rid of the wind induced oscillation I need to bump the I, but I moved it as high as .400 and as low as 0, with no luck.

I usually can dial in my PIDs when they are in the ball park to start with, but it seems like something it really off here. I threw a set of really beat up 5x3 props on the quad and it flies much more stable. But it must be able to fly with 6x3, no?

Currently I have

Looptime: 2500
Roll: 4 - 0.060 - 23 (P-I-D)
Pitch: 4- 0.060 - 23
Yaw: 8.5 - 0.045 - 0

I basically went back to the stock settings because nothing I was doing was helping. At these props just way too big for these motors. The motors don't seem to get very hot at all.

- Bogdan


Which props are you using? I tried the HQ 6x3 props and couldn't tune it to my satisfaction. Felt very floaty and had more oscillation than I liked in wind, probably because the props are a little more flexible than either the 5x4 or 6x4.5s. I'm currently using HQ 6x4.5 glass/nylon props and I really like them. TONS of power and the lift that you get off them lets you hover at lower throttle settings. I found them to be more efficient (longer hover time) and more powerful than the HQ 5x4, but equally as stiff and durable. Slightly less agile, but worth it to me for the effortless cruise and additional lift - carries a 3S 2200 with ease and feels good doing it.

I'm using the Tmotor MN1806 2300kv motors though I doubt that makes much difference.

Here's how mine flies:

And here's my dump file:
# dump
Current Config: Copy everything below here...
aux 0 0
aux 1 2
aux 2 4
aux 3 0
aux 4 0
aux 5 0
aux 6 0
aux 7 0
aux 8 0
aux 9 0
aux 10 0
aux 11 0
aux 12 0
aux 13 32
aux 14 0
aux 15 0
aux 16 0
aux 17 0
aux 18 0
aux 19 16
aux 20 0
mixer QUADX
feature -PPM
feature -VBAT
feature -SERIALRX
feature -MOTOR_STOP
feature -SERVO_TILT
feature -LED_RING
feature -GPS
feature -FAILSAFE
feature -SONAR
feature -TELEMETRY
feature -VARIO
feature -3D
feature PPM
feature VBAT
feature MOTOR_STOP
map TAER1234
set looptime = 2300
set emf_avoidance = 1
set midrc = 1500
set minthrottle = 1150
set maxthrottle = 1850
set mincommand = 1000
set mincheck = 1100
set maxcheck = 1900
set deadband3d_low = 1406
set deadband3d_high = 1514
set neutral3d = 1460
set deadband3d_throttle = 50
set motor_pwm_rate = 400
set servo_pwm_rate = 50
set retarded_arm = 0
set flaps_speed = 0
set fixedwing_althold_dir = 1
set reboot_character = 82
set serial_baudrate = 115200
set softserial_baudrate = 9600
set softserial_1_inverted = 0
set softserial_2_inverted = 0
set gps_type = 0
set gps_baudrate = 0
set serialrx_type = 0
set telemetry_provider = 0
set telemetry_port = 0
set telemetry_switch = 0
set vbatscale = 110
set currentscale = 400
set currentoffset = 0
set multiwiicurrentoutput = 0
set vbatmaxcellvoltage = 43
set vbatmincellvoltage = 35
set power_adc_channel = 0
set align_gyro = 0
set align_acc = 0
set align_mag = 0
set align_board_roll = 0
set align_board_pitch = 0
set align_board_yaw = 90
set yaw_control_direction = 1
set acc_hardware = 0
set max_angle_inclination = 500
set moron_threshold = 32
set gyro_lpf = 42
set gyro_cmpf_factor = 600
set gyro_cmpfm_factor = 250
set pid_controller = 0
set deadband = 0
set yawdeadband = 0
set alt_hold_throttle_neutral = 40
set alt_hold_fast_change = 1
set throttle_correction_value = 0
set throttle_correction_angle = 800
set rc_rate = 140
set rc_expo = 0
set thr_mid = 50
set thr_expo = 0
set roll_pitch_rate = 40
set yaw_rate = 70
set tpa_rate = 70
set tpa_breakpoint = 1400
set failsafe_delay = 10
set failsafe_off_delay = 200
set failsafe_throttle = 1200
set failsafe_detect_threshold = 985
set rssi_aux_channel = 0
set yaw_direction = 1
set tri_unarmed_servo = 1
set gimbal_flags = 1
set acc_lpf_factor = 100
set accxy_deadband = 40
set accz_deadband = 40
set acc_unarmedcal = 1
set small_angle = 25
set acc_trim_pitch = -6
set acc_trim_roll = 2
set baro_tab_size = 21
set baro_noise_lpf = 0.600
set baro_cf_vel = 0.985
set baro_cf_alt = 0.965
set accz_lpf_cutoff = 5.000
set mag_declination = -750
set gps_pos_p = 11
set gps_pos_i = 0
set gps_pos_d = 0
set gps_posr_p = 20
set gps_posr_i = 8
set gps_posr_d = 45
set gps_nav_p = 14
set gps_nav_i = 20
set gps_nav_d = 80
set gps_wp_radius = 200
set nav_controls_heading = 1
set nav_speed_min = 100
set nav_speed_max = 300
set nav_slew_rate = 30
set p_pitch = 49
set i_pitch = 49
set d_pitch = 64
set p_roll = 42
set i_roll = 34
set d_roll = 46
set p_yaw = 60
set i_yaw = 60
set d_yaw = 8
set p_alt = 50
set i_alt = 0
set d_alt = 0
set p_level = 90
set i_level = 10
set d_level = 100
set p_vel = 120
set i_vel = 45
set d_vel = 1

Hope that helps.
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