Help! Guardian Gremlin won't connect with Beta Flite


Elite member
I just got the Guardian Gremlin put together last night. I had some issues with soldering, which may be the source of my problem here. I downloaded Beta Flite and updated to the newest version. When I initially connected the flight controller to the computer via USB, I got LEDs on the board, but The configurator would not connect to the controller board. Not on any COM port, at any baud rate. Now I don't get any LEDs and the computer doesn't see the board when connecting.

Is there something I am missing or is my flight controller smoked?

Liam B

Well-known member
So it did recognize the board when you first plugged it in and it wouldn't connect, or it never recognized it? Either way, make sure that cable you're using is a data cable and not just a charge cable.


New member
I am having the same issue, I have tried multiple different cables. I finally went and purchased another this morning which is a known data cable. Still, the computer doesn't recognize the flight computer. I have also updated/installed all the drivers listed on the Betaflight homepage. I tried the Impulse RC Driver Fixer as well, it also didn't see the flight computer. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!


Elite member
I ended up ordering another flight controller. I'm pretty sure I smoked the first one soldering the leads. I have new solder tips, new solder, and new flux for this go round.


New member
I've tried 4 different PCs now with the same results. I think I may have smoked mine as well. Let us know if that fixes the problem.