Gunship from anime movie Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Silver Surfer FPV

Well-known member
Another lockdown anime inspired build and fly.



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Wake up! Time to fly!
I'm not an anime fan at all but I do like the aircraft in a lot of it as it randomly crosses my path. It reminds me when I was a kid and used to watch the Whacky Racers, Penelope Pitstop, Dastardly and Muttley cartoons. they always had cool looking aircraft and cars in them.

Any kind of fantasy aircraft gets a+1 from me. I see your work and enjoy a lot of what you build. Keep it up mate.

Silver Surfer FPV

Well-known member
Thanks Psyborg, with the lockdown I find myself watching more anime and opened a new RC aircraft world for me. Looking online I see all kinds of drawings and models of these incredible aircrafts and look for images that I can start building on using spare parts and Dollar Tree foam.

GrizWiz - No plans, just build from online images and as the aircraft takes shape adjust to where they can glide then add the hardware and find a flyable CG.


Wake up! Time to fly!
Thanks Psyborg, with the lockdown I find myself watching more anime and opened a new RC aircraft world for me. Looking online I see all kinds of drawings and models of these incredible aircrafts and look for images that I can start building on using spare parts and Dollar Tree foam.

GrizWiz - No plans, just build from online images and as the aircraft takes shape adjust to where they can glide then add the hardware and find a flyable CG.

If you want a challenge I have been trying to poke someone with a stick to see if it was possible to get Tooms bounty hunter ship from the Chronicles of Riddick movies to fly as an RC vehicle either fixed wing or multirotor. Take a peak at that and see whatcha think.

Silver Surfer FPV

Well-known member
Flattery C-19 shape will be a challenge, I'll add to my list of future builds, right now grappling with the Tiger Moth from Castle in the Sky. Crappy weather and plenty of dollar tree foam to play with is helping with the progress.