HiHi,HoHo, OM's... Brand new to RC, though it was actually a pretty big part of the hobby, when I became a HAM over 40 years ago, and I was interested in it then, but it was sooooo expensive, that the interest quickly waned. I am not on the air at the moment, but RC Flight has fallen into my price range and I am getting started with it, so hopefully I will soon be in the air! I have a "newbie outfit" on the way, including a FlySky FS i6X and a SkyHawk V2 940 that I am going to build as a single pusher. I am Learning on a couple of RC sims, and I am here to tell you, it's not as easy as it looks, but by the time my kit is all here and I can put it together (slow boats, and all that...), I'll be ready. This is not my bird, but this is what it will look like, including the FPV...
To be honest, if I had found Flite Test before I bought this, I would be building an FT Explorer, instead, and that is still in the plans. Truth is I may build it first so as to decrease the risk to my pretty, expensive, store bought play-pretty....
73 de
K4DFH, Dave, Extra
QTH, Lugoff, SC

73 de
K4DFH, Dave, Extra
QTH, Lugoff, SC
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