Help! Help finding out the power (W) of this GForce G10 motor (3536 - 920KV)


Elite member
The thing is i actually got this motor
and i am planing to build a F3A pattern plane so i need to know how much W can produce this one on 3 and 4S. But the problem is that i can't really find anything useful on google so maybe one of you have one of thins and had already tested it.

Any help is welcome!!!


Elite member
@cdfigueredo - very interested in your pattern plane. I think the G Force motors are just re-branded Leopard motors. Start here:
wow, that motor looks like th GForce, thanks for that!!!

BTW - I want one of your club t-shirts or hats :>)
Dan, i can share u our logo file and maybe a customized design for u but we are getting problems here to print the t-shirts, we haven;t been able to find a local business to do it. :cry:


Master member
How about several pass reverse copies laser printed on aluminum foil, wax paper, or actual release paper then just iron them onto a Tshirt? Wont be as long lasting, but....... experimental effort required to get print thicknesses and temps correct. I have also used cheap airbrushes and stencils with thinned latex based paints, and the craft people have acryllic fabric paint thats really cheap


Elite member
How about several pass reverse copies laser printed on aluminum foil, wax paper, or actual release paper then just iron them onto a Tshirt? Wont be as long lasting, but....... experimental effort required to get print thicknesses and temps correct. I have also used cheap airbrushes and stencils with thinned latex based paints, and the craft people have acryllic fabric paint thats really cheap
Piotrsko here in Cuba everything is a problem, even print anythin on laser printers. :cry: airbrush or latex based paints are an imposble for us.


Master member
The master of DIY everything is telling me something is impossible? Ay Caramba!, no creo, impossible... Even I have built airbrushes, used house paint thinned with water


Elite member
The master of DIY everything is telling me something is impossible? Ay Caramba!, no creo, impossible... Even I have built airbrushes, used house paint thinned with water
hahaha, I feel honored by the title :cool: but i can;t accepted hahaha.
The thing is i don;t have time to DIY everything haha.