Help my 200QX isn't Binding


New member
Help my 200QX isn't Binding

Hi, i have a Blade 200QX and wanted to fly it. For some reason is NOT making the bind with my DX6i.

I used to have this drone sync with this radio. I stopped using it for maybe 8 months. last weekend I recharged my batteries. Plug it in. But is not being recognized by my radio. stay flashing blue light until the turns red.

I thought maybe it needed to reprogram it. So I followed the directions precisely as few youtube videos. Almost everyone do the same.

after the program setting on the radio. Try to bind. Does not work. I clear the memory and reprogram everything from scratch.. i did everything. Then try to rebind but don't work

I test the radio with other heli and planes I have and the 350QX I Have. and everything works perfectly. Go back to memory. Try to rebound but still not working

It flashes blue And does not do anything, and the flashes red.

Here is a small video of what is happening

I even tried to bind with a DX4. That came with a 350QX and is doing the same.

Does this mean I am screwed?

Please help.


New member
Hey, man i don't know to post. Because I never did. But would better instead criticize on all of them provide some Help. Otherwise then keep scrolling and ignore my 1000 posts


New member
So just to update. After exchanging parts and lot of trouble shooting. I figured out.

For some reason . This drone only get in bind mode if i tip it to the front. And after minding mode. When I turn on the Radio with the bind button. I was holding it for too long.

I just need to hold it for maybe 3 -4 secs and then release it. (Even nothing happened) After that the drone it self bind (takes like 10 secs) and binds and work perfectly.

Don't know why this is different since others blades aircrafts you have to wait for the initial beep. But that is what I got it working. Other drones (same model) don't have to tip it. But that made it work

I tried like 3 times and it works.

Hope this helps to others