Mr Man

Elite member
Tried to fly it last week, forgot that I added a ton of expo while launching therefore, only moved the stick a little bit which did nothing at such slow speeds. Broke nose off, so I glued it back on.

Mr Man

Elite member
UPDATE: Flew last week, (sorry no vid taken) with a 6x4.5 prop for starters. Th difference in thrust at 5% throttle compared to the 5x7.5 prop was ridiculous, felt like it should be full throttle(yes, it really was 5% throttle, I calibrated it) could be because the 5 inch didn’t stick out enough. Anyway, had a perfect launch and immediately felt that it was nose heavy, required full up to keep it in the air. Just like the Flite test speed challenge, it only took 5% throttle to keep it barely flying at nearly(guesstimate) 35mph, but, when I throttle up, at least 80mph (on the safe side). I think it was going faster but not sure as I got video so no Doppler effect, also forgot the gps. Then, while bringing it in for a low slowish pass, a ft viggen comes in right in front of me, I bank, loose all lift, and plane hits ground with speed. But, it was just the nose had cracked off, (again) and left wing cracked. Just a little hot glue and it’s ready once more!
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L Edge

Master member
Pictures and video or it didn't happen.... :ROFLMAO: 🥴:LOL::sneaky::alien:

Does any of your FC devices you use help you where you can reduce vibrations of prop/motor or rotating the fan/motor to give you the readout of the present situation? Was it any help?

Mr Man

Elite member
Nope, just a dsmx receiver with a ds6e transmitter, with a bit of expo. As far as gps, just a watch with sports modes.

Mr Man

Elite member
Well, tried to fly it Friday. Maybe not enough throttle on launch, but…. RIP. Gonna probably turn it either into a pylon racer or baby Bugatti.

Mr Man

Elite member
I gotta try to fix it, can't stand seein' a broken plane that can possibly fixed. Maybe I should throw it harder on launch after I had clipped the wings.