Can't believe that there is nobody in these parts doing this, or so it seems, When I started this I got a couple of neighbors into it (reminds me I have to change my Avatar) but they lost interest after a short bit, and that was me building for all of us most of the time, I progressed they didn't and so here I am. Any suggestions? Maybe start a Facebook thing to maybe get some people interested? As much as I like building and flying by myself, it was fun when there was a couple of us there. And I think this is such a great hobby that everyone should at least give it a try if you have ever thought about doing it. Local club doesn't seem very receptive to my "models" and the field is just too far away from where I live so again here I am. Never been down to Oak Island, I live in Saint John New Brunswick and Oak Island is off the coast of Nova Scotia , about a five hour drive, like the show, don't think anything is there though

. The Bay of Fundy has been relentless with the wind this year I gotta say though, won't have to worry about that with the snow skimmer.