I'm using a Pi 3b+ running CNC.js... @jeffeb3, over on the V1Engineering (MPCNC) forum, created a really neat V1Pi image with Octoprint and CNC.js both pre-installed. The Pi connects to Grbl over USB... and serves up a webpage for control through a browser. I sit in my recliner, do my CAD and CAM, tab over CNC.js and load/run my gccode. I really like this setup... tired quickly of shuffling the SD card around...
Aii within "eyeshot"; .. recliner, slippers, maybe a glass of Merlot, a darkened room, a movie, Prusa MK2S printing a Pi case, MPCNC "Joe" lasering an MPCNC logo... or cutting earrings for daughter, a Pi 3B+ and CNC.js for control, and Tux to keep an eye on things. I've grown fond of this setup...