Mighty Mini Arrow Oscillations


New member
Greetings - just flew my Arrow and at higher speeds I get vertical oscillations. Seems unrelated to throttle position - only speed - high throttle level or climb - or low throttle but descent. Using a Spektrum AR630 receiver and NX8+ Tx. with and without Safe - but AS3X on. Any ideas, thoughts?? TIA

Mr Man

Elite member
Greetings - just flew my Arrow and at higher speeds I get vertical oscillations. Seems unrelated to throttle position - only speed - high throttle level or climb - or low throttle but descent. Using a Spektrum AR630 receiver and NX8+ Tx. with and without Safe - but AS3X on. Any ideas, thoughts?? TIA
It has to do with the AS3X, it's over-correcting.


New member
My suspicion as well - but I'm just using the default settings. I'll tone it down and see if that helps. Kinda fun to watch though (just not a good idea....). Thanks

Houndpup Rc

Elite member
Greetings - just flew my Arrow and at higher speeds I get vertical oscillations. Seems unrelated to throttle position - only speed - high throttle level or climb - or low throttle but descent. Using a Spektrum AR630 receiver and NX8+ Tx. with and without Safe - but AS3X on. Any ideas, thoughts?? TIA
Are you talking about that when you get up to higher speeds your air frame starts bouncing?


Techno Nut
How do your throws look at full rates . If the control surfaces move too much/far, that causes the controls to be super reactive, and the AS3X will have a tendency to overcorrect as well. Is there a way to disable the AS3X with a switch and see if it changes with it turned off? Is it possible to set the AS3X gain with a potentiometer while in flight? You may be able to fine tune the gain if so.

It's possible that your airframe is bending at speed/load.
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New member
Litterbug - all good answers - much appreciated. I'll check 'em out. On the variable AS3X - that's a possibility, but will be new territory for me. I've never used that variable knob for anything - a good time to try it. Thanks!!
Be sure there is no slop/play/slack or flex between the servo, pushrod and control horns. It can sometimes cause that. If it persists you can try reducing the AS3X gains.
Thanks - good ideas. And working the gains idea.


New member
I have that problem too! I thought it was my gyro make getting a little shook up! lol
Pretty good bet it’s the AS3X overreacting - at least in my case. I’m using the default settings, but I can turn them down so, we’ll see. Again, I’m using a Spektrum AR630 with a NX8+ Tx.


Elite member
The fastest way to confirm is to fly it and turn off AS3X. If the oscillation goes away, that’s what it was.

On my cheap gyros, I can set the gyro master gain with a knob on my Tx and tune it mid-flight. I would imagine you can do the same with yours.


New member
The fastest way to confirm is to fly it and turn off AS3X. If the oscillation goes away, that’s what it was.

On my cheap gyros, I can set the gyro master gain with a knob on my Tx and tune it mid-flight. I would imagine you can do the same with yours.


New member
Thanks - that’s pretty much my plan. I do have a control knob on my NX8+ I can use - but have never done that before - good time to learn….:)