Mighty Mini Warbirds Winter 2015-16

Hi everyone! Happy 1st of December! It's officially winter, and guess what that means for us modelers...


Throughout this winter (Dec. 1 to Feb. 29), I'll be releasing some Mighty Mini-sized warbirds that I designed to celebrate Christmas and the New Year, and to have some smaller planes to fly in the yard or in a gym.

All will be compatible with the current FT Mighty Mini power pod (with the right-thrust built in), have a wingspan of roughly 24 inches, and will fly off of the Flite Test Power Pack F (2204 motor, 2200-2350kV; 12-20amp ESC, 6x4.5 prop, 3-4s LiPo).

The models that are to be released:

-A6M2 Zero;
-P-40 Warhawk;
-F4F Wildcat;
-F6F Hellcat;
-T-28 Trojan;
-P-47 Thunderbolt;
-Douglas DC-3/C-47 (twin-engine);
-JU-86 Stuka;
-T-6 Texan.

The plan is to do one a week, so the releases should last though mid-February.

I hope you guys enjoy!

(Update: I have a commitment on December 31st, and I'll be busy until then. After that, I'll get right back to work on the plans and build articles for these releases. I apologize for the delay.)
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Just what I need, more airplanes to build... But do it! I don't know where we might find to fly indoors this winter but I need an "indoor" plane just in case.
Yeah, I guess it is kind of ironic that I'm designing "indoor" planes, while I myself don't really have a place to fly indoors.
Besides, the way these things fly is faaast!
Just what I need, more airplanes to build... But do it! I don't know where we might find to fly indoors this winter but I need an "indoor" plane just in case.
As long as you are designing, do you think you could add the T-6 Texan to the list? That airplane was the first plastic model I ever built- back when you had to kill and slaughter and boil down your own dinosaur to make glue and I've been wanting an RC model to build to replace that long lost model.
Certainly! Great to hear your story; I have many similar nostalgic memories. I live close to a full-scale airport (Santa Monica Muni), and we sometimes have real Texans flying overhead! Next time, I'll pull out my notebook and sketch a set of plans for you ;)
As long as you are designing, do you think you could add the T-6 Texan to the list? That airplane was the first plastic model I ever built- back when you had to kill and slaughter and boil down your own dinosaur to make glue and I've been wanting an RC model to build to replace that long lost model.


FT CAD Gremlin
Staff member
-A6M2 Zero;
-P-40 Warhawk;
-F4F Wildcat;
-F6F Hellcat;
-T-28 Trojan;
-P-47 Thunderbolt;
-Douglas DC-3 (twin-engine);
-JU-86 Stuka;

The plan is to do one a week, so the releases should last though mid-February.

Wow! That's an impressive list and a pretty aggressive timeline. Do you plan on sleeping or eating between now and February? ;)

Can't wait to see these.


Awesome! but is is possible to upload the untiled plans? Somehow I never managed to get the tiled ones right on my printer...


Maker of skins and decals for foam board RC planes
Cool! I can't wait for the P40!
I would like un-tiled plans as well.
Flying Tiger graphics waiting in the wings! (Oh look, a pun.)
After I have them sized to the plan,s PM me if you want a PDF of them. I don't want to clog up the forum.
Flying Tiger Logos.jpg