Module compatibility for Frsky RX


More WAH than Devil

Can anyone tell me if the following DSMX/DSM2/Devo JR module is compatible with the FrSky 2.4GHz ACCST TARANIS X9D PLUS special edition.

OrangeRX DSMX/DSM2/Devo Compatible 2.4GHz Selectable Transmitter Module (JR/Turnigy Compatible)

I have a few Walkera models that I still use my Devo7 for but it would be nice to replace all my other RX controllers with just this one.




Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
This module is a basic PPM driven module. Practically any TX with a "JR" style module bay will be able to use it -- including the Taranis.

Keep in mind, the radio doesn't talk with the module. All it does is send the channel positions (up to 12 channels :eek: ) to the module, and it's the switches on the module that controls what signal comes out the antenna. You will not get a model match capability when swapping between models in the radio -- the Taranis will turn it on/off as necessary, but it won't reconfigure it. Expect to rebind any time you switch between RXs using the same protocol, and expect to remove the module to get to flip some switches underneath anytime you switch between protocols.

Not exactly a convenient way to go, but it should work.


More WAH than Devil

Thank you,

I really only want it for my DSMX quads as I will be swapping out my Walkera with a new receiver if i keep it long term, and I might just keep my Devo7e for my small quads for now. its jsut to use if i want to "play" with the old qyads on the shelf and not have to keep two transmitters.

Can you suggest a better DSMx module I might want to look in to?



Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Unfortunately, the "best" option is to build/buy one of the DIY modules. Effectively you harvest the DSMX Transmitter module out of a DX4e, DX5e or DX6i, then mount it on a board with a few parts. With that, it runs full range DSMX while fully integrating with the radio -- matching model memory to the bound RX and swapping automatically. It's an easy bit of soldering, if have the inclination and can source the parts. They also pop up for sale from time to time on RCG's classifieds (haven't seen any in the last month or so, but they do come around).

The "Multiprotocol" module project is a fair second, integrating well with the latest versions of OpenTX, but for all their supported protocols, they only directly support DSM2. Good for flying alone and can bind with most Spektrum RXs, but some of the latest DSMX RXs and bricks refuse to degrade themselves to talk DSM2.

Banggood has a nice module of this type built into a case, and looks easy to use, but I don't have any experience with it to say definitively. Normally I hesitate a bit to recommend cloned hardware sold on Banggood (they tend to rip off IP and resell it), but the main project page actually lists them as an option to buy from. Who am I to argue with the developer? ;)