MultiWii problem

I'm trying to build a multiwii controller with the teensy.
I've wired it according to this pinout:
I'm using the dev version (since this is the only one supporting the teensy).
The sensors I'm using are the WMP from dealextreme and the NK from dealextreme.
In the GUI I can see the value of all channels and I can arm it with AUX1, but thats is, there is no sensor info visible.
I've tried uncommenting different things(ITG3200, NUNCHAK or both) but no result.
I've tried with or without internal pullup, with internall pullup the pullup is to strong and the data line stays high.
I've tried 100KHz and 400KHz but this made no visible difference(except on the logic analyzer I could see the difference in frequency.
The I2C error keeps counting until it overflows and then it starts over, so I know it is an I2C problem, but have not been able to locate it.

What did I do wrong or forget?

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Well, I've got a little more info right now.
I saw the adress sent by the teensy was wrong, so I grabbed a mbed and a demo program wich reads the sensors and outputs it to the serial port.
The only thing that it is returning is 0.
So, do you think my WMP is broken? since it is acknowledging its adress but it doesnt send any data back...



Senior Member
Well, I've got a little more info right now.
I saw the adress sent by the teensy was wrong, so I grabbed a mbed and a demo program wich reads the sensors and outputs it to the serial port.
The only thing that it is returning is 0.
So, do you think my WMP is broken? since it is acknowledging its adress but it doesnt send any data back...


Check for shorts on th eboard. I had a similar issue and i had shorted my multi layered board out. Re worked all joints and worked fine. got data :)