Joining a club is a good idea. I have a suggestion as far as props go. Buy a 9x4.5 APC prop (NOT the slow fly type) and trim it down to an overall length of about 6 inches. These will be incredibly tough! I have an HQ 9x5 that I trimmed down to about 5 inches and have used it on many of my mini planes with great performance and that thing fb will not break! My mini scout took a straight nose dive from 20-30 feet up and the whole plane was in pieces but guess what - the prop was fine! I’ve also had a lot of other bad crashes with other mini planes that haven’t damaged the prop. This has saved me a lot of money in props!
Well the maiden happened today. The TT flew well, but it was a bit gusty, and it struggled in the wind. So I landed it before I broke it.
The MUTTS flew really well in the wind, and I got 2 decent flights in. But broke the prop on the first landing even though it was soft, and on the second flight, I got mixed up with the controls, rolled left instead of right and hit the dirt. The plane is fine though, but broker the only other prop I had, so that's the end of flying till I get more. I think I'll try and get some folding ones, or cheap APC ones. I has Master screw ones, but they're £8 a pop, so not cheap.
I wasn't able to get any videos.
I'm thinking that maybe joining a club would be the next best move for a couple of reasons.The field I went to today was busy with dirt bike riders and dog walkers, so I had to walk a fair bit to get clear of them.
But secondly, and probably the main reason, is that I didn't feel confident flying. I was mostly in control, and felt ok, but I could feel a nervous twitch in my thumbs on the controls, and didn't like the feeling. I think I'd be better in a club with an instructor buddy boxing, until I've got my confidence, and I suppose they'll also put me through the BMFA certificate. And I'll have access to a dedicated flying field.