Neve's 70% Blunt nise Versa Wing build


New member
I have more pushrods, but what i was trying to do with the TT stick version was to utilize left over parts and the way i had it should have worked fine in theory.... I'm going to make this one just a solid rod with no way to adjust it, since the distance from servo to horn is so small. i ran out of glue sticks last night, so will be getting some of those maybe tonight and get this thing finished by the weekend so i can maiden it!


No Agenda FPV
I'm going to make this one just a solid rod with no way to adjust it, since the distance from servo to horn is so small.

Do you have these?

I have these on the control horns on the Elevons to make the trim adjustments.



New member
Yes sir, I have those as well. Next i will have to find the CG using that program you shared in an earlier post. Unless you can just tell me the round about spot it should be..:cool:


New member
Out of curious its, where is your CG on the original 70% you built? I used the calculator and it shows the CG being 7" back from the front... That means the CG I'd 2" from the back of the plane....? That anywhere close to what you have?


New member
My current wingspan is 32"(818mm) and the width of fuselage is 9"(228mm).

Here is the program I used. It uses cm I believe, so I had to convert everything. Here are my measurements of the plane in inches

Wingspan: 32"
Fuselage width: 9"
Wing tip: 4"
Sweep(if measured correctly) 21"
Maybe you can plug the numbers in and see if you get the same results as me.....I want to make sure the CG is somewhat close to being correct before the maiden!! Thanks for your help as well.


No Agenda FPV
My current wingspan is 32"(818mm) and the width of fuselage is 9"(228mm).

Here is the program I used. It uses cm I believe, so I had to convert everything. Here are my measurements of the plane in inches

Wingspan: 32"
Fuselage width: 9"
Wing tip: 4"
Sweep(if measured correctly) 21"
Maybe you can plug the numbers in and see if you get the same results as me.....I want to make sure the CG is somewhat close to being correct before the maiden!! Thanks for your help as well.

Those numbers don't seem right at all.

This is how the measurements are done, to do the sweep distance I sit it on a table nose down an measure from the table top to the wing tip.


Here are the numbers you should be closer to in inches.



New member
Yes, I see that I totally didn't measure the sweep correctly! The layout you gave is an awesome reference! And all the numbers you put in are pretty much right on with what I have, except my fuselage measures 5 3/4". I was getting the root cord and fuselage measurement correct and I totally screwed up the sweep measurement!

So with your help the CG should be 4.19" using all the exact measurement that I got. Thanks again and I can't believe I screwed that up that bad!! I'll get this thing balanced and try to get a maiden in the next day or so! Thanks again sir for your assistance.


No Agenda FPV
If you look at the picture in the tool, it actually shows the lines similar to what I made up in the graphic window. Whichever measurement you are typing in will show the line.

We just flew 2 mini versas and a full scale at a local park. Combat with three acft is TOUGH haha

I cartwheeled mine in at a fast pace and was able to toss it back in the air and flew it for a few more flights.

I was getting 9 minute flights on 1300mAh 3s batteries and 5x4 prop. Once ReadyMade gets some 5x4.5s back in stock I plan to grab some of those to try also.

I do plan to cut the elevons off and increase the surface area of both to try to get some quicker turning.
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New member
When I plugged the numbers in again as you suggested, it did indeed show the shape of the actual blunt nose. I didn't have time to get the CG corrected today, will try tonight so I can see if I can get a maiden tomorrow.

Damn, 9min flight would be awesome!! The most I've had of any rc plane was 12mins with the full scale versa blunt nose utilizing a 2200mAh 3cell. Of course I was no where near full throttle as it was my first time flying it. I could have flown longer, but I ended up turning incorrectly and skidded on the ground. For now I will be just using the 460mAh 3cell with the 12 amp ESC. I have a spare 30amp ESC in my bin, so if I want to go for a bigger battery at some point I can. I also have a spare motor that is way overkill for this thing!! It's a turnigy 2200kv....

Well it's good to hear even the small scale is durable too!! I won't lie, she is very tail heavy, so it's going to take a bit to get her leveled out. I'll let you know how it goes..


No Agenda FPV
I had to put a fair bit of weight in the nose, also used hot glue to hold it in, as well as add a little more weight. This is similar to the weight I have in the nose of my mini versa.

I had to smash it a little flat with a hammer to fit it in the mini. And like I said I just pushed it into the nose as far forward as possible, then hot glued it in there.


No Agenda FPV
Here is some video from when we had all three Versas in the air, sorry the camera was a little out of focus.

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New member
Yes, I might steal the weights i currently have in the full scale versa as it's hanging on the wall waiting to be fixed.....! It's got three AA batteries and weights that are used for pinewood derby currently glued into the nose of the big versa.

Awesome video man!! looked like there was some close calls in the air! My buddy that i normally fly with has a horizon hobby corsair, he buys the more expensive complete planes and i just build foam ones. I could buy those but i prefer to stay married.... But we went out and flew at the same time about a month ago and it was just awesome flying around for the first time with two planes in the air. We had never done that before and of coarse his plane was about 3-4times faster than mine! I didn't care though because for whatever reason, i honestly felt like i flew better when he was chasing my plane. I think that because i was no longer worried about hitting the ground or another stationary object, I was focused on getting away from his plane. I did for the most part, but he did gently "hit" my plane twice!

Hopefully i'm able to get out this afternoon once the CG is corrected and try to get a maiden. i have a key fob camera and will try to remember to put that on as well.


No Agenda FPV
Hopefully i'm able to get out this afternoon once the CG is corrected and try to get a maiden. i have a key fob camera and will try to remember to put that on as well.

Remember to factor that in in the CG, unless you can mount it directly over the CG. Mine tends to be a little forward of the CG normally.


No Agenda FPV
Increased Elevon surfaces

When I got home today I decided to go ahead and expand my elevon surfaces. I cut the old ones off and then measured out new ones on a spare piece of DTFB. I decided to make the outer edge of the surface the same length as the inner, 54mm. After giving the leading edges 45deg bevels I hot glue reinforced the other three edges and then taped them onto the fuselage. Applied hot glue to the hinge just like with all other FT plans then covered it in tape.


The blue area is all the added surface area.


Took it out for a quick flight and it is AWESOME! I will have to adjust my dual(tri) rates because at 80% throw it is almost too much, I'll save that for the final blow when dog fighting.
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No Agenda FPV
More video from Sunday, this one was me trying to knock my buddy's Mini Guinea out of the air. He was flying FPV. I didn't get him in the end.

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New member
I gotta say, your flights look so smooth! Nice job and it looked at point you did almost get the other plane.

What was the outcome of the noise you heard on the motor?

I think I got the mini versa weighed out correctly, and the maiden will tell. I did end up for now utilizing the key fob camera to help give the CG just that little bit extra to be more nose heavy. And I have the dual rates the same as the large scale versa, 75%. So weather dependant tomorrow, I will try for a maiden.


No Agenda FPV
What was the outcome of the noise you heard on the motor?

So weather dependant tomorrow, I will try for a maiden.

I do not know exactly what caused the motor noise. I picked it up and tried running it at varying speeds in my hand and couldn't repeat it. I ended up tossing it in the air again and it didn't happen again.

Guessing since you had a full scale you already know this, but make sure your control surfaces are streamlined with the fuselage. I forgot to check my friend's full size Versa and tried tossing it into the air 4 times, with a good thump after each before realizing it was the elevons, not his pilot skills.