Neve's 70% Blunt nise Versa Wing build


New member
well, it was a complete no-go!!! I think i threw it in the air three or four times, each result was nose first into the ground. Ended up knocking all the weights loose i had glued in there. Even pulling fully back on elevons so it would climb, she would nose over. Not really sure other than CG of what it could be. I believe the elevons are the way you described, if anything i would think they would be angled to where it would want to climb if those were incorrect. i have it on video, but the camera is in the front of the plane so it really won't show much.


No Agenda FPV
my elevons deflected up so that the bottom surface of the elevon is about even with the top of the wing trailing edge, or about 5mm up. you can also get that by laying the wing flat on the corner of a table, to allow it to sit flat with the wing tips hanging off, and then use a 2 sheets thick spacer to get an idea of the height. That is one sheet for the bottom surface and a second for the top surface, then the elevon on top of that is now above the level of the top sheet of the wing structure.

In all likelihood though I am guessing you are nose heavy. I had my latest mini too nose heavy and I would have to put in a lot of down stick just to maintain level flight.

Luckily all your weights are loose now, so I would try to maybe leave a little out first. I would not reduce nose weight and increase control surface deflection at the same time, then you don't know which is the problem.


No Agenda FPV
Flew the other day and after about 2.5mins of 90% flight, I started getting the motor pulsing again, so I brought it down and couldn't repeat it again. I decided to swap motors and I also added a small cooling air inlet on the top edge, just forward of the ESC.




We'll see if I still get the motor pulse.

The next one I build I plan to put the ESC on the top of the wing, like I did on my full size Versa.


Well-known member
i got a brown out on my first full size versa because it got to hot. i have since moved them to the outside and not had a single problem since. i have also flush mounted them cut a rectangle big enough for the esc then cut another strip of foam board to glue inside of the wing this minimizes the amount it sticks out but still lets it vent .


No Agenda FPV
Took the MV out for some sunny weather flying, and ended up still having the motor oscillation (at about 23s into the video below). I plan on cutting the blunt nose section out and replacing it to increase the fuselage height and to relocate the ESC.

Sorry for the flying out of picture, I tossed the MV in the air then grabbed my phone in my left hand to film. Turns out it isn't that easy to do both. I'll have to work on it.

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New member
Nice! That thing sounds like it is going so fast...!!!! I have not taken the mini versa back out yet to get it balanced.

I had my motor pull away from my motor mount this evening when flying the TT while flying. I landed safely and now need to do an inspection to check for what repairs I might have to do.


No Agenda FPV
Tonight I rebuilt the fuselage on the MV, I cut the old fuselage out, then made a new one and glued it back together. The new one is also 30mm narrower, and also taller so I don't need to cut pockets in the foam to fit the battery. And of course I mounted the ESC on top, got a 5:30 flight in with no motor issues!

Because of the raised fuselage I had a gap that needed filled.

Filling the gap

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No Agenda FPV
Took her out with the 808 camera on top again, every time I fly this thing I love it more and more!

I am running these props, and they are great! 5*4.5



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New member
I thought for sure your plane was going to be cut in half at the 1:47 mark...! I know the camera makes things look closer than what they really are, but that looked close!! ((00))


No Agenda FPV
I thought for sure your plane was going to be cut in half at the 1:47 mark...! I know the camera makes things look closer than what they really are, but that looked close!! ((00))

Oh man! I didn't watch the full video through, just bits and pieces. I vaguely remember the pass that was near the signs, but I thought that I was behind them, from my point of view when flying. Here is a picture of what wbvike is talking about, close call :rolleyes:



New member
what kind of camera are you using on that versa?

I still have not gone out and tried to get mine dialed in......! It's still sitting in the garage with the weights in the front loose from the maiden nose dives!


No Agenda FPV
what kind of camera are you using on that versa?

It's the 808 #16 V3 with the D-lens ( Since it is only 18g and gives 720 decent video I like it for these smaller planes.

Here is how I mount it, I just use a few pieces of clear tape to hold it on. I have to tape it every time I change the battery because it is over the battery door. Here is what it looks like, but not taped down.


This is the blunt nose I just built for my full scale Versa. I made it to hold a GoPro to try to get better video. I hope to fly it this weekend, if not earlier.



New member
My key fob camera looks identical to yours.......except the actual camera doesn't stick out from the front, it was only $13 and doesn't take anywhere near as good footage as yours does!

Cool deal with the blunt nose and the gopro. let me know how that turns out, as I have a gopro and the full size versa hanging on the wall in my garage. I clipped the top of a barb wire fence, and it survived.....but it spit out the battery from the front and the motor broke off. Given the impact, I think it faired pretty well!! Maybe I can modify my blunt nose to use the gopro as weight and make some cool videos like you are doing.

I really need to get motivated and get the mini versa in the air!


No Agenda FPV
My key fob camera looks identical to yours.......except the actual camera doesn't stick out from the front, it was only $13 and doesn't take anywhere near as good footage as yours does!

My friend has one of the cheap ones too, it works, but is only good as a back up to a better camera. He put it on his full size Guinea on the wheel pants but facing backwards, turns out the field of view is very narrow. The 808 #16 V3, especially with the D, or wide angle lens is much better for what it is. I have debated getting a Mobius, but they way over twice as much, however as you can see in the FT videos it does get nice video.

Cool deal with the blunt nose and the gopro. let me know how that turns out, as I have a gopro and the full size versa hanging on the wall in my garage. I clipped the top of a barb wire fence, and it survived.....but it spit out the battery from the front and the motor broke off. Given the impact, I think it faired pretty well!! Maybe I can modify my blunt nose to use the gopro as weight and make some cool videos like you are doing.

What I did is cut the blunt nose section out, my wings were still good to fly. I cut, careful not to cut my aileron servo wires, just to the inside of the fuselage-wing glue joint. Then once I had both wings freed I cut the scrap from the fuselage off the wing, as close to the original wing inside edge as possible. This way I only had to remake the BN and then tape/glue it back in, saving foam board that would have been needed to build the wings also.



No Agenda FPV
did you have to add additional weight even with the gopro there to help balance it out?

On the old BN Versa I had several large fishing weights glued in the nose. I have not rerun the measurements to figure out where the CG will be. I made this BN a little narrower, the FT plans call for something like 220mm and I did 160mm wide, so that will change the CG location I need. Once I figure that out then I plan to add whatever weights I need, and then I also plan to make a piece of foam that will have weights glued to it that makes it equal to the GoPro so that if I don't want to fly the camera I can velcro in the dummy piece.

I am posting updates on the full size Versa here:


New member
Nice flight on he Versa!! Looked scary for a min at the end where yo did two barrel rolls.

What are your dual rate and expos set at on the versa?