Neve's 70% Blunt nise Versa Wing build


No Agenda FPV
Here is a video I made of a few hand launches of the full sizer Versa, someone in the build thread had asked about help with launching so I went out flying this afternoon.

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No Agenda FPV
I got the MiniV out yesterday again, along with the Versa. I had a decent flight with it, but then I skimmed the ground a bit fast, like landing, but at full throttle. Everything seemed OK upon walking up to it, but I then found that the right servo is locked up. The HXT500s are killing my MiniVs. Not sure if I want to cut a hole in the wing to pull these out, or just rebuild.

I also flew several batteries through my Versa, had a gust of wing push me into the ground on an attempted fast low pass (video below) then on the last battery I had along I plowed it straight into the ground and anything with mass flew off :) That wing was less than 24hrs from build completion.

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No Agenda FPV
Here are a couple of shots of my buddy's 70% Versa in flight, he has a larger motor on his, enlarged the blunt nose to hold a 2200mAh 3S battery and also made up vertical fins that are over/under the wing.




Junior Member
That looks really cool.

Inspired by you, I've just finished my 70% BNVW, without any mod, just simply shrink it down.

My first question is, will the CG points on the plan still work on it? Yes I do see the calculator you shared before but I'm just not sure I can get it right. I'll definitely try it and if the CG points on the plan are still correct then I can compare the result from the calculator to it to see if I'm doing right.

Second, I'm using a 2206 1900KV motor with a 6040 prop and found I need a 3s 2200mah battery to balance the wing(if the CG points on the plan are correct). But I really feel not comfortable to hang the battery out below the nose. But obviously it won't sit flat inside of the front hatch door. How do you place your battery on it?



No Agenda FPV
I saved the numbers I had run on my first 70% and it looks like CG should be around 103mm back from leading edge of the blunt nose.


As far as fitting a 2200mAh battery, you need to expand the Blunt nose, this takes some trial and error to get the size just right. You can sort of see, in the picture below, how my buddy had to make his BN taller to fit a 2200. You also need to consider the width of the BN section.


Here you can see what I did to fit a 3S 1300mAh battery into mine. I measured the thickness of the battery and then made the BN spar that tall. This also required increasing the lengths of the section up front to give it a taller/rounder shape to fit the battery.



Junior Member
Seems like it is a pain in the neck. No clean way to fit the battery. Since my build is finished guess I have to cut some foam out and make some ugly mods:(

If you raise the height of the main spar, how do you fill the gap between the fuselage and wings? and does it affect flight performance in any way?


No Agenda FPV
Seems like it is a pain in the neck. No clean way to fit the battery. Since my build is finished guess I have to cut some foam out and make some ugly mods:(

If you raise the height of the main spar, how do you fill the gap between the fuselage and wings? and does it affect flight performance in any way?

Ugly mods? just cut the center section out and rebuild it. Your wings should be fine, just cut the center section out inboard of the glue seam. Once you have them apart you can cut the excess off the wing better. Then rebuild the center section to be able to fit the battery and re-glue it just like the way you did the first time.

I made the top of my center section narrower than the bottom, so I had to manually measure, cut, temp fit, cut, then glue in multiple pieces. If you make the top and bottom the same width you could easily cut out a vertical wall to glue in the gap. I would NOT make the wall the entire side of the blunt nose because that will restrict the area for the battery.



No Agenda FPV
WoodyInMD and I flew our mini Versas recently and he had a Mobius camera on his. Here is the video he uploaded, I almost hit him...maybe next time!



No Agenda FPV
WoodyInMD, MHancock19, and I went to the local park for some flying last night. I currently only have access to my MiniV, the rest are in a storage unit, so I took it and 4x 3S 1300 batteries along out. Woody had his UMX Spitfire and Mini Versa, and Mark brought out his Guinea Pig and old Super Cub. I attempted flying through an empty soccer goal (no net) and due to perspective pulled up a second too soon and put the MiniV straight into the cross bar at a good pace. The battery flew through the hatch hinge, but after a little tape she was back in the air. Then Mark and I started doing some MiniV and Cub formation flying. That quickly turned into attempting to hit each other, Woody manning his DSLR camera the whole time. He managed to get a few shots of us almost hitting each other, but the one time that we did bump into each other (we both heard foam on foam) he was looking at some shots he just taken. I managed to bury the MiniV into the dirt pretty well while chasing the cub and then after getting back in the air for one last bit of chasing I managed to lose orientation when I got below the tree line and pulled up instead of rolling over and really slammed her into the grass hard, disconnecting the battery and all.

We did't manage to get the Guinea Pig in the air before dusk and we got pushed out of the park, they close at sunset.

I am now in the process of building another MiniV, so I will have pics of that coming soon.

Here are some of the Cub/MiniV "formation" flying.













This was the final crash, note the elevons frozen up, where they were when batt disconnected, and the one the pushrod actually stuck into the tape and was "over extended."
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WoodyInMD, MHancock19, and I went to the local park for some flying last night. I currently only have access to my MiniV, the rest are in a storage unit, so I took it and 4x 3S 1300 batteries along out. Woody had his UMX Spitfire and Mini Versa, and Mark brought out his Guinea Pig and old Super Cub. I attempted flying through an empty soccer goal (no net) and due to perspective pulled up a second too soon and put the MiniV straight into the cross bar at a good pace. The battery flew through the hatch hinge, but after a little tape she was back in the air. Then Mark and I started doing some MiniV and Cub formation flying. That quickly turned into attempting to hit each other, Woody manning his DSLR camera the whole time. He managed to get a few shots of us almost hitting each other, but the one time that we did bump into each other (we both heard foam on foam) he was looking at some shots he just taken. I managed to bury the MiniV into the dirt pretty well while chasing the cub and then after getting back in the air for one last bit of chasing I managed to lose orientation when I got below the tree line and pulled up instead of rolling over and really slammed her into the grass hard, disconnecting the battery and all.

We did't manage to get the Guinea Pig in the air before dusk and we got pushed out of the park, they close at sunset.

I am now in the process of building another MiniV, so I will have pics of that coming soon.

Here are some of the Cub/MiniV "formation" flying.













This was the final crash, note the elevons frozen up, where they were when batt disconnected, and the one the pushrod actually stuck into the tape and was "over extended."

What motor were you flying on this versa? It went crazy fast!


No Agenda FPV
Motor/Prop for 70% versa

What motor were you flying on this versa? It went crazy fast!

I am using the EMaxx - MT1806 with a 5*4.5" bull nose prop. The motor is the one in the FT Power Pack A (minis). I am running a CCW motor, which in the pusher configuration needs a normal direction prop. If you do this you will avoid loosing your nose cone in flight, which just happened to a friend last week from running a CW motor with CW direction prop.

If using a CW motor (red/silver nose cap), use "R" props, these are the ones that I use CLICK HERE

If using a CCW motor (black nose cap), use normal props, these are the ones that I use CLICK HERE


No Agenda FPV
I pulled an old Mini BN Versa off the wall and upgraded it a bit. I pulled the 5g servos out and installed some 9g Metal geared ones, swapped the motor out for a Emax RS2205 2300kv and up'd the ESC to a 30A with added heat sinks, and then added a camera and VTX. Final change was pulling the battery door so that I can fit 1300mAh 4S battery :) This thing flies great!


Took her out to attempt some freestyle flying, and had a blast, right until a tree branch spoiled the fun. Worse was the rock the caught the camera lens just right when it finally hit the ground.



Here is DVR video from the flight.

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