WoodyInMD, MHancock19, and I went to the local park for some flying last night. I currently only have access to my MiniV, the rest are in a storage unit, so I took it and 4x 3S 1300 batteries along out. Woody had his UMX Spitfire and Mini Versa, and Mark brought out his Guinea Pig and old Super Cub. I attempted flying through an empty soccer goal (no net) and due to perspective pulled up a second too soon and put the MiniV straight into the cross bar at a good pace. The battery flew through the hatch hinge, but after a little tape she was back in the air. Then Mark and I started doing some MiniV and Cub formation flying. That quickly turned into attempting to hit each other, Woody manning his DSLR camera the whole time. He managed to get a few shots of us almost hitting each other, but the one time that we did bump into each other (we both heard foam on foam) he was looking at some shots he just taken. I managed to bury the MiniV into the dirt pretty well while chasing the cub and then after getting back in the air for one last bit of chasing I managed to lose orientation when I got below the tree line and pulled up instead of rolling over and really slammed her into the grass hard, disconnecting the battery and all.
We did't manage to get the Guinea Pig in the air before dusk and we got pushed out of the park, they close at sunset.
I am now in the process of building another MiniV, so I will have pics of that coming soon.
Here are some of the Cub/MiniV "formation" flying.
This was the final crash, note the elevons frozen up, where they were when batt disconnected, and the one the pushrod actually stuck into the tape and was "over extended."