New drone ISSUES: F3 evo brushed


New member
Hello I have been have some string of very bad luck. I bought a cheerson tiny 117 because it was on sale for 50 dollars and some people said it was a good quad. I crashed because it is my first quad and ripped a motor wire off. So I then bought some new motors and realized I must have broken my fc also. I soldered on the new motors and when I plugged in the battery it spun when armed and disarmed. Someone told me on a different forum that it was a FET and it can be fixed but not easily. I went ahead and bought another f3 evo brushed. It arrived and I put the quad all back together thinking that I would be out of the cloud of issues BUT NOPE. The issue now is that the motors get hot and I have tried everything to stop them from heat. PIDS,PWM and rc smoothing but nothing seems to help. I NEED HEEEEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!!:mad:


Wake up! Time to fly!
Ok I answered the exact same post a few lines up.. please delete or have a mod delete the double post only 30 minutes apart. Makes it hard for people to actually help you if they are chasing the same post in different places.


Wake up! Time to fly!
I do not think we as users can move things around. Moderators can though. If you look at the pull down near the top of the page saying quick links then look in the forum leaders any of the red colored names can make the changes for you PM one of them and ask.