Noob tech-tip series for Josh Scott


Senior Member
As Josh Scott is the designated Noob of the show, this would be perfect for him to host.

There are a lot of topics that you guys mention in your videos that are taken for granted that the viewers already know. Some of them sound simple, but when I actually start looking at it is daunting as a noob.
Like, what are all those wires sticking out of the battery pack? And why does a 3s lipo pack make the Old Fogy go faster?
You mention that you should center your servos. How? For that matter, how do you test servos? Do we need to buy a servo tester or can we use a radio?

How about binding a transmitter to receiver? Can a transmitter be bound to multiple receivers at the same time? For instance, if I had 3 planes each with a receiver; can I just turn on the transmitter and then plug the battery into the plane and then switch planes without changing bindings? What happens when if more than one plane is turned on at the same time? And can a receiver be bound to multiple transmitters at the same time?

I think you see what I'm talking about. Questions that you guys don't even think about because they come as second nature to you. But to a Noob, one question spawns another and then another.

I love the show. My kids love the show. And even my wife enjoys watching, which makes my spending money on getting started a lot easier.

Thanks for the great show.


Ak Flyer

Fly the wings off
Not a bad idea but you can also find most of those answers here. Are these all questions you still have? Where would you like to start?


Senior Member
I've found the answers to some, but I had to dig. I just thought it would be a good series for Josh Scott, like Josh Bixler and David do the build videos solo.

As for unanswered questions, I haven't found the answer about multiple binds yet.

Ak Flyer

Fly the wings off
I haven't tried it on purpose but I think it would work. I remember a time where I left my helicopter plugged in and went to fly my cub and my helicopter tried to take off. I wouldn't recommend trying to fly more than one at a time lol but I think you could leave them all bound and just plug in the one you want.