Today I left the field with just as many intact planes and even propellers as I came with! Depleted all six batteries I brought. It felt so good to have the planes do what I wanted them to do.
Yesterday was such a different story. I maidened my Tiny Trainer, (which was amazing) and then I proceeded to run it directly into the top of a lamppost, then onto concrete. (Why I flew it there... I cannot explain.) Then after a little repair, it wouldn't fly straight for anything! It would make a 90 degree turn about ten feet after launch... went through 3 propellers trying to get it going, lost a propeller nut, and felt like I may have ruined it on the first day. Then I moved onto the Simple Cub. I forgot to check my CG and had a few failed takeoffs. Once corrected, my wacky landing gear turned me into a chain link fence. Replaced the propeller and hand launched where it flew up to cruising altitude and then uncontrolled dove into the ground. (I had a servo come unglued.) When I got to the plane, It looked like a massacre. All the guts (electronics) were scattered all over, prop in multiple pieces, firewall broken, landing gear ripped out and mangled, wing 5 feet away, broken rubber bands all over the place... I tried so hard but it wasn't my day.
Today, I rebuilt everything. New firewall, some reinforcement of control horns and servos, and an unspecified amount of glue. Also, I really enjoy the building/repairing. Had these issues been on production models, I'd have to do some shopping before getting it going again. With the FT planes, I'm back out the next day. All the flights today went just like I wanted, I feel like I've actually got the hang of it. Now I just have to figure out how to land my Simple Cub without flipping it over. Any tips?

Yesterday was such a different story. I maidened my Tiny Trainer, (which was amazing) and then I proceeded to run it directly into the top of a lamppost, then onto concrete. (Why I flew it there... I cannot explain.) Then after a little repair, it wouldn't fly straight for anything! It would make a 90 degree turn about ten feet after launch... went through 3 propellers trying to get it going, lost a propeller nut, and felt like I may have ruined it on the first day. Then I moved onto the Simple Cub. I forgot to check my CG and had a few failed takeoffs. Once corrected, my wacky landing gear turned me into a chain link fence. Replaced the propeller and hand launched where it flew up to cruising altitude and then uncontrolled dove into the ground. (I had a servo come unglued.) When I got to the plane, It looked like a massacre. All the guts (electronics) were scattered all over, prop in multiple pieces, firewall broken, landing gear ripped out and mangled, wing 5 feet away, broken rubber bands all over the place... I tried so hard but it wasn't my day.
Today, I rebuilt everything. New firewall, some reinforcement of control horns and servos, and an unspecified amount of glue. Also, I really enjoy the building/repairing. Had these issues been on production models, I'd have to do some shopping before getting it going again. With the FT planes, I'm back out the next day. All the flights today went just like I wanted, I feel like I've actually got the hang of it. Now I just have to figure out how to land my Simple Cub without flipping it over. Any tips?
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