I had a little bit of time today, and I realized I could make an Arrow size/shape Prandtl wing, as per Popular Request. This design scales down and nicely fits to one sheet and is 36.5" wingspan, could be a ~250g flyer if you wish it to be. (with diligent weight management & and system management).
This goes together almost identically, the difference is the 23° sweep of the wing, and the wing end treatment. construction is the same.
big thing is the twist in each wing needs to be symmetrical. this flies off the same system, but should fly much faster.
2204, 2300kv motor
30a-40a ESC 3-6s
1300mAh 3s - 850mAh 6S
2 9g servos (5g will work too)
you may need 2x Servo extensions
I would put a tongue depressor on the bottom, and line the tip with the nose, to protect from harder landings.
View attachment 211447
Until I build and prove this out it is "build at your own risk". Please do. if you do, let me know your experiences.
@Baron VonHelton - There has been no falling out with NASA to my knowledge. Youtube is more likely to be the trouble...