Raw Foam edges


Master member
Thanks for the Power Grab tip...I'll try it when laminating KF airfoils as I find laminating KF airfoils with hot glue a little stressful.


Old and Bold RC PILOT
@danskis For KFM wings I just remove the paper on the smallest piece of FB, (on the side to be glued), and then paint the pare foam in PVA, (white, water based, woodworking glue), then I place the pieces together, position carefully and clamp the pieces together until dry. Once the bird is finished and painted/sealed the wing is far stronger and more robust. The water based glue actually soaks through the paper in the joint and glues the foam to the other foam and causes the paper to become very rigid. Sadly it takes a very long time ot dry but the bird is normally flyable in a week or so and really hardened in about a month.

As another method of sealing and shaping the exposed edges of FB you could try Balsa strips. They glue very well, are very easy to sculpt or shape, paint easy after sealing, and actually add a little to the strength the build. The weight penalty is surprisingly small if you select the appropriate grade.

It works for me!

Have fun!