Help! rc F 111


New member
Hello my name is zach is there some one who could design a rc F111 because my grand father recently passed away and he worked for Lockheed martin and general dynamics he built F16 and F111s i would like to have it at his funeral if it is possible to make plans that i can laser cut that would be helpful i am also willing to pay for the plans.


Elite member
Thank you I saw this one earlier but it won't fit in my printer
I use Cura and with Cura you can load any part and reduce it by just about any amount you chose. You must remember to reduce the other pieces accordingly. You may have to do some "hand work" to install servos as the planes are usually designed with servo pockets in mind so if you reduce the size by 20% the servo pockets will be 20% smaller than the servos so you can just use a knife or soldering iron to scrape away enough of the plastic for the servo to fit.