Id like to say thank you to Balu, i did not see this thread when i originally looked for a place to introduce your self.
most forums have a separate place just for welcomes.. but this works
anyhow on with introducing my self i guess. ill try to make this quick as not to bore people and hope this will allow me to start asking much needed questions. iv figured out most of them i had when i originally signed up a few weeks ago.. but i have a few that have not been asked. so with out further adze. lets rock.
my name is Chris C.
im 40, as of last Oct. yeah i got old somehow. laughs. I live in apache junction, its like 10 minutes from Mesa, AZ. i live at the foot of the superstion mountain range. if you google superstition mountain range, you will see what my front yard looks like.. its quite pretty. i live as close to what the desert rats living in pheonix would call the sticks. which is good, i grew up in the mountains of Oregon. i use to be a logger until i had a bad motor cycle accident. i hit a tree on a dirt bike Rm 250 at 70mph when the throttle stuck wide open on a corner, i try to hit the kill switch grab the front breaks to get my front tire down but it was to late.. poof. head onto a big fur tree me and my bike went. when i came to i was at the bottom of the mountain with two compound fracturs to my left leg. 3" above my knee my femur poped through and 4" above my ankle. so after a few minutes i had to decide.. close eyes and die, or crawl for help. i decided to crawl for help. so i took my shirt off and made a turnakits and started to drag my self up the mountain side to get to the logging road. once i made it to the logging road i drag my self a mile and half in two days for help. ( i hit the tree so hard my riding boots flew off so i was in socks crawling. ouch! ) remember in grade school when you did the crab walk? imagine that for two days pulling your self with your arms, and with one good leg pushing your self along a pit run ( large rocks ) logging road. i wrecked about 8 am Sat. found help around 8pm Sun.. anyhow thats the short story of how i became disabled.
now lets fast forward i wanted to get into RC about 8 years? ago, i do not remember the exact year now.. sigh. anyhow it was when the airhogs biplanes were becoming popular with there differential thrust. i had three of them that i hacked up, turn into mono planes and added LEDS.. i even ordered a TX i bought a high tec optima 6. digital radio. unfortunately its FM? can take a spectrum module tho i guess. anyhow, its out dated.. i am saving for a new TX now and im just using the optima 6 for the flight simulator which i spend 1 - 3 hours a day practicing now.
from when i originally wanted to get into RC birds i can say things sure have changed. lol. but for the better. now quads are the hot item it seems. its cool we can build a cheap air frame from foam. this is what is gonna make it capable for me to get into it for real this time. o yeah reason i did not manage to last time. i woke up blind and had to have emergency brain surgery they found a 5mm anirisum behind my left eye and yeah that almost killed me too. i should mention it took me 2 years to learn to walk again from my original accident.. i died for 1.5 minutes.. i also got a artificial knee in 2004 July 5th 9am ( you would think it was a kid i can remember it like it was yesterday).. last year i had to have spinal sugery. in all i have had over 55 major operations and they have me on heavy narcotics for pain. life gets hard but i try to stay up beat.. so you wont see me posting emo threads, just aint my style.. even tho i do lose my thought back of lack of sleep or pain, or just stress. being a chronic pain paitent sucks.. being disable sucks.. so i say stay healthy. lol.
so lets speed this introduction up yeah.. im sure iv bored ,most of you by now.. if you even still reading.
so this month i built my first airplane. i built a scratch built FT speedster. that was a lot of fun to build. iv been collecting tools etc to build airplanes all month. i only have about 180.00 a month for hobby funs disability not so much money.. so will take some time to get the rest of the things i need. thankfully i have the flight simulator to get my fix till i can get up in the air. i did make one mistake building the FT speedster tho. LOL, i did a A fold or a B fold to the fuselage, so my winds ended upsides down. o well, live and learn and only cost me .99 i have a box of dollar tree foam to continue learning. i ended up giving the air frame to my little nephews to throw around. they think its the best toy every. right now im working on a Balsa wood German BF109 rubber band plane. i picked up three of them on ebay for 20.00 i plan on converting them to electric, and 3ch, 4ch I was originally gonna use dope/tissue but have decide just to go ahead and learn how to use heat shrinking plastic stuff. as for electronics im collecting them. i have some 9g servos and 4.5.
( i can say i did enjoy the foam plane build.. but i really love the balsa wood build.. even tho im learning as i go. lol. its just so therapeutic.. so yeah i can see more balsa wood builds in the future.. but i have so much to learn.. its quite over whelming to be honest.. but im not giving up, not in my blood so i will figure this stuff out. )
im interested in all forms of flights even quads.. with your guys recommendations i bought the blade nano qx. im hooked.. im learning like your video shows with safe mode off and high rates on. so while learning to fly quads with the nano, and the flight simulator.. i have been learning how to build one.
so yeah i hope to play with aerial photography etc.. i just love flight so to be honest im interested in it all. which means lots of head aches from over reading. at least its cool to be a nerd in 2015.
im sure iv left a bunch out and sorry for my rambled thoughts. anyhow, i want to give huge thank you to FT. its because of your videos i have learn what i have so far. you are doing the community good thats for sure.
most forums have a separate place just for welcomes.. but this works
anyhow on with introducing my self i guess. ill try to make this quick as not to bore people and hope this will allow me to start asking much needed questions. iv figured out most of them i had when i originally signed up a few weeks ago.. but i have a few that have not been asked. so with out further adze. lets rock.
my name is Chris C.
im 40, as of last Oct. yeah i got old somehow. laughs. I live in apache junction, its like 10 minutes from Mesa, AZ. i live at the foot of the superstion mountain range. if you google superstition mountain range, you will see what my front yard looks like.. its quite pretty. i live as close to what the desert rats living in pheonix would call the sticks. which is good, i grew up in the mountains of Oregon. i use to be a logger until i had a bad motor cycle accident. i hit a tree on a dirt bike Rm 250 at 70mph when the throttle stuck wide open on a corner, i try to hit the kill switch grab the front breaks to get my front tire down but it was to late.. poof. head onto a big fur tree me and my bike went. when i came to i was at the bottom of the mountain with two compound fracturs to my left leg. 3" above my knee my femur poped through and 4" above my ankle. so after a few minutes i had to decide.. close eyes and die, or crawl for help. i decided to crawl for help. so i took my shirt off and made a turnakits and started to drag my self up the mountain side to get to the logging road. once i made it to the logging road i drag my self a mile and half in two days for help. ( i hit the tree so hard my riding boots flew off so i was in socks crawling. ouch! ) remember in grade school when you did the crab walk? imagine that for two days pulling your self with your arms, and with one good leg pushing your self along a pit run ( large rocks ) logging road. i wrecked about 8 am Sat. found help around 8pm Sun.. anyhow thats the short story of how i became disabled.
now lets fast forward i wanted to get into RC about 8 years? ago, i do not remember the exact year now.. sigh. anyhow it was when the airhogs biplanes were becoming popular with there differential thrust. i had three of them that i hacked up, turn into mono planes and added LEDS.. i even ordered a TX i bought a high tec optima 6. digital radio. unfortunately its FM? can take a spectrum module tho i guess. anyhow, its out dated.. i am saving for a new TX now and im just using the optima 6 for the flight simulator which i spend 1 - 3 hours a day practicing now.
from when i originally wanted to get into RC birds i can say things sure have changed. lol. but for the better. now quads are the hot item it seems. its cool we can build a cheap air frame from foam. this is what is gonna make it capable for me to get into it for real this time. o yeah reason i did not manage to last time. i woke up blind and had to have emergency brain surgery they found a 5mm anirisum behind my left eye and yeah that almost killed me too. i should mention it took me 2 years to learn to walk again from my original accident.. i died for 1.5 minutes.. i also got a artificial knee in 2004 July 5th 9am ( you would think it was a kid i can remember it like it was yesterday).. last year i had to have spinal sugery. in all i have had over 55 major operations and they have me on heavy narcotics for pain. life gets hard but i try to stay up beat.. so you wont see me posting emo threads, just aint my style.. even tho i do lose my thought back of lack of sleep or pain, or just stress. being a chronic pain paitent sucks.. being disable sucks.. so i say stay healthy. lol.
so lets speed this introduction up yeah.. im sure iv bored ,most of you by now.. if you even still reading.
so this month i built my first airplane. i built a scratch built FT speedster. that was a lot of fun to build. iv been collecting tools etc to build airplanes all month. i only have about 180.00 a month for hobby funs disability not so much money.. so will take some time to get the rest of the things i need. thankfully i have the flight simulator to get my fix till i can get up in the air. i did make one mistake building the FT speedster tho. LOL, i did a A fold or a B fold to the fuselage, so my winds ended upsides down. o well, live and learn and only cost me .99 i have a box of dollar tree foam to continue learning. i ended up giving the air frame to my little nephews to throw around. they think its the best toy every. right now im working on a Balsa wood German BF109 rubber band plane. i picked up three of them on ebay for 20.00 i plan on converting them to electric, and 3ch, 4ch I was originally gonna use dope/tissue but have decide just to go ahead and learn how to use heat shrinking plastic stuff. as for electronics im collecting them. i have some 9g servos and 4.5.
( i can say i did enjoy the foam plane build.. but i really love the balsa wood build.. even tho im learning as i go. lol. its just so therapeutic.. so yeah i can see more balsa wood builds in the future.. but i have so much to learn.. its quite over whelming to be honest.. but im not giving up, not in my blood so i will figure this stuff out. )
im interested in all forms of flights even quads.. with your guys recommendations i bought the blade nano qx. im hooked.. im learning like your video shows with safe mode off and high rates on. so while learning to fly quads with the nano, and the flight simulator.. i have been learning how to build one.
so yeah i hope to play with aerial photography etc.. i just love flight so to be honest im interested in it all. which means lots of head aches from over reading. at least its cool to be a nerd in 2015.
im sure iv left a bunch out and sorry for my rambled thoughts. anyhow, i want to give huge thank you to FT. its because of your videos i have learn what i have so far. you are doing the community good thats for sure.