Scary Scary FPV

I decided to step into the ranks of many a rc pilot and got myself some of this fancy FPV stuff everyone raves about. It looks like so much fun when people do it right and I wanted in on that. I always wanted to be a pilot and this might just be the closest thing.

Well lets just say when the goggles whent on I was like a noob. It was scary beyond believe for the first hectic minute or so to try and figure out my orientation. I knew I was flying comfortably high out of danger but I still got the shakes. After doing allot of research and using advise from other posts I got to learn my aircraft well. I got use to the FPV gear on it and flew it superbly. I am using a pair of fatshark teleporter v3 and when I placed them on me it was a shock to the system. My ears was telling me where I am but my sight said something else. What I can take from the first experience is forget all your senses and just concentrate on the visual the rest will come later. Oh and as a final note do not fly behind you. TX signals do not travel thru your body. If possible turn in the direction of your plane.

I must admit that I have never looked thru a pair of goggle before and thus was not prepared for what to expect. My advice.
Know your aircraft extremely well.
fly on a quiey day.
know your area exeptionally well as it will look strange from above.
have someone to reassure you at your side and keep an eye on you plane.
Epect to be confused at the start.
Keep your wits and stay within the limitation of your equipment.
Remember the simple stuff like line of sight ext.
have fun and keep on trying if you fail at first.

By the way my versa wing took a bit to much damage and I can start building a new one wit some mods.:black_eyed:
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