SciFi build?


New member
I'm a nerd at heart with a love for aircraft. Was hoping there was a chance someone would/could do a more sci-fi style build. Suggestions: the F302 from Stargate, the hammerhead from Space:Above and Beyond, a Cylon Raider from Battlestar Galactica, something from Wing Commander, etc.

Flying Monkey fab

Elite member
I hope to graduate to Sci-fi /fantasy at some point but for now, I am just learning the basics I need to build on. One thing for you to consider on these. Real-world physics are real-world physics! As such I think the Cylon Raider is just out and some of the others may well be in with proper sacrifice to aerodynamics.


Well-known member


Dunno... maybe when I can keep on in the air long enough to say I can fly? 20190927_233230.jpg