Do you have an Instagram account that you use for this hobby? If so please share! I see a lot of the Flitetest crew on Instagram and wonder if any other forum members are also posting what they are doing. I think it's a great way to check in on what others are doing, see builds that never took off, or quick projects that are not worth posting a thread about. So share your Instagram if you have one! or other social media you use to keep up with the hobby. I will try to keep a running list on this first post to help other's out, starting with mine.
Note: For your privacy do not share your account if it is too personal, I myself have a private personal account and use a separate public account for RC.
Note: For your privacy do not share your account if it is too personal, I myself have a private personal account and use a separate public account for RC.
Flitetest Crew: | Instagram: |
Flitetest | flitetest |
FTAfterhours | ftafterhours |
Josh Bixler | flitetestjb |
Austin Furey | austinfurey |
Alex Zvada | zvada |
Dave Knop | knoptop |
Eric Monroe | ericmonroe74 |
Peter Sripol | petersripol |
Forum Name: | Instagram: |
Snarls | velocirotor |