Sharp foamboard nose tip


New member
can someone show me how to make a sharp foamboard nose tip as seen on the master series jets? Im having trouble with making it for a plane im designing.


if someone could send me an image or a plan or a video
with something like this it will be helpful
Its not ideal but I stack foam board without the paper glue it and then sand it till i get the shape I want. Its takes time but it works well.


Elite member
Ben Harper’s F16 has a pointy nose. I built one. I think you had to put a really long bevel on the foam. It goes from paper thin on the very front edge to the full thickness about 3/4” back, or something like that. Watch the slow motion video and I think he shows you.


Legendary member
shape the skin enough against a table edge (as seen on most Master Build videos) and with a bevel like said here Ben Harper shows, its not as difficult make a pointed nose if use eg. fingers to shape front tip /roll in front skin enough too. And yes, remove when needed the last mm´ers of the part to make the best needletip.