Everyone loves to watch a good maiden flight right? I thought it would be great to have a thread devoted to them. Show us yours!. Ill get things started with the maiden flight of my Airfield P-51D
Everyone loves to watch a good maiden flight right? I thought it would be great to have a thread devoted to them. Show us yours!. Ill get things started with the maiden flight of my Airfield P-51D
Indeed it is beautiful. There are two problems with flying there though. Im not a morning person, and at the airfield all pilots face west. Sunglasses are very handy. Secondly, the airfield is part of a large misc. recreational park in a rich area with free entry and parking for all. The result is next to impossible parking in the airfield lot on weekends due to all the joggers and hikers. Also if your not paying attention, and you have a couple models set up on the side of the field, kids LOVE coming by and stepping and falling on your aircraft as they admire them. I havnt seen a disaster yet thankfully. Parents are usually close by. But they often get close enough to scare the crap out of ya.
My son absolutely loves this plane. To give credit where due, the flying done in this video is not done by me or my son. It is being flown by a rc friend of ours who has taken us under his wing and has a great private field that he lets us fly at with him. Thanks Craig!
A successful maiden of my new Assassin combat plane.
A careless launch before I had all the trim issues sorted remind me why I like EPP so much.
This thing is fast with an insane roll rate.
Now who's ready for some combat?