nice and simple sloping - something to aspire to!
OH MY GOSH! That was exhilarating! He had me at the first snap-roll. I keep pushing you to fly your other builds, because, well. You've really just got to fly them. Otherwise, it's just wall art. Your planes deserve to at least be crashed in earnest. Lord knows, I've done my share of crashing in earnest.
It is one thing to build a beautiful RC aircraft. If it's not flown? Paint a rock, and make a door stopper. It's just as pretty.
I keep on keeping on busting on you for not flying. I saw your wind forecast. It's absolutely horrible to try to fly. Unless you're slope soaring....
I'm daydreaming about me, doing that, and I've got to say. Wow. You are in the right place. You've got to fly the birds you've built, or we'll never let you live it down. But you are definitely onto the way that you are going to be flying, in the environment that you have.
No more group builds for you, unless you think you can it make it soar! (Isn't that exciting?!)
I say you've got to fly what you've committed yourself to. After that? My heart is soaring with you. I get it. You've a separate road to travel, and I've got to admit to a little jealousy. I'm not going to get to do that. I could REALLY get into slope soaring. Yep. Ok. I'm jealous.