I've been working on the spruce Gosling here for a little while trying to get in running shape. Server enforce the wingtips with BBQ skewers to get them straight. Reinforced the empenage with BBQ skewers as well. I've connected the aileron servos as well as installed the rudder and elaeon servos. I've checked to make sure everything is going right way. I think the hardest thing about this field is trying to wrangle in the giant octopus. I've decided to use double-sided hook and loop Tacoma stick them all together and get them kind of rangled in.
The motors don't entirely work the smoothest as far as once they get started they are good,but sometimes it takes a moment to get them there and they start are on the way which weeds to possibly having a loose connection or bad solder job.the differential thrust works fine the outer two motors decrease in thrust to allow a yawing action.
Here's the test;
When the rain stops, it will be time for the test.