Starting a high school drone racing club, need some parts...


RC Noobie
Hey all!
My name is Connor and I am a high school student. We are starting a drone racing team to compete with other schools in our district. Unfortunately, the only multirotor I have (that isn't scrapped, more on that later) to practice with is a Dromida toy that runs FPV off of WiFi. (Not exactly competition level.) So I'm in need of some parts to build a new quad. I have some parts from a build I bought as a (naive) 6th grader that wasn't the highest of quality. I don't have much money as a high school student, so anything is appreciated :D I'm not necessarily looking for the fastest or best thing on the block just something to start on. Also anything I could use in the club to teach some of the noobs on would be great :)

I have:
An OpenPilot CC3D control board
A DX5e Tx
Video goggles/receiver/tx

I'm looking for:
A frame
FPV camera/transmitter
any advice/mentorship/how-to



New member
I have enough gear for maybe 3 builds. Prior to shipping this gear out, I would like to discuss your club with the sponsor ( adult in charge). Send me some more info about your high school, location, phone number, etc. Then we will see where it goes from there.


RC Noobie
That'd be great! I'll talk to the sponsor and the principle this Monday about who you need to contact and get back to you that night. Thanks!


RC Noobie
I have enough gear for maybe 3 builds. Prior to shipping this gear out, I would like to discuss your club with the sponsor ( adult in charge). Send me some more info about your high school, location, phone number, etc. Then we will see where it goes from there.

I sent you a personal message, we can go from there