Swappable B24 Liberator


Junior Member
im a huge fan of ww2 aircraft and i have actually had a chance to crawl through a B24. When the B24 was on a bomb run, the P51 was often the warbird of choice when doing a bomber escort. since you already have a P51 built, i thought that you could build a bomber to go along with your warbirds. to sweeten the pot a little bit, possibly add a working bomb bay for a little excitement.

Huge Fan, Mitchell


Junior Member
i originally ment for this post to be about the b24 until i remembered that its 4 engines. instead of building a b24, a b17 would be a lot more practical.


The B-17 also has 4 engines. However, in the "FAA" episode, there was a long, thin wing in the background. It does look similar to the shape of a B-24 wing. Could it be? Hmmmmm....