That painting looks nice
I would like to use Ostfront camo, which is that one with yellow wingtips and underside of the nose, like you see above. I would use that type of Balkenkreutz that is just white because at the end of the war, they had not much time and simplified everything.
Also, I started researching and build a simple little P13a glider out of paper and hot glue. Its made out of four parts: right wing, left wing, fin and air intake. Its about 3inch long and has symmetrical airfoils on the wing and the fin. It took me about 10 minutes to build it, but what i found was just amazing: It did a little glide and came down at a 45 degree angle, but it was always level and did just a little high alpha. Then I threw it upside down, because i thought, the heavy fin would pull id down, but it did a half roll and flew straight ahead.
This thing has the best self-leveling in the world!
If the RC plane acts like this little glider, it would be one of the most stable planes.