Aye, those elevators are way too small for that.
I have been looking online for something that would work for a pivot hinge and I have had no luck yet. Not anything reasonable anyway. You could always buy parts from an existing EDF kit, but they are pricey. I could design one if you had access to a 3d printer?
In the meantime if you wanted to test the elevons only, you could cut the hinge point on what you have farther forward. I would say about half the length of the stabilizer. That should give you some more leverage. Not as much as the full stabilator, but it should be enough to give you some roll authority with the wings back. Or you could just do like you originally planned and run a rod through the fuse. It would work for testing and would have no effect on the pusher.
I will keep investigating, I have to hit a few hardware stores sometime this week anyway. I need to figure this out myself as I plan to use stabilators on my Viper.
I can say from experience (tho I can’t go into detail just yet) that elevon-only control does indeed work for jets like this. But you do in fact need a larger than usual movable elevator surface. Your roll rate won’t be quite as snappy, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing on a big scale jet.
Stay tuned next week!
You're such a tease! Looking forward to this mystery airplane that you always talk about but has always been off-frame.
The prop torque at low speeds is a huge factor on roll behavior. If you are trying to roll against the prop it will barely roll at all, then you roll with it and it turns into a centrifuge.
What is the amp rating on your current BEC? Over drawing the BEC would definitely explain the odd behavior as well.
The torque roll on EDF's is almost non existent.
Here is an example of two aileron rolls, one against the prop and one with.
Thresher Vid 1:02
The first roll at 1:02 is against, the following roll is with. The same plane, roughly the same speed, both using full deflection.
You will not have to fight the torque of a big prop like that with the edf's. I still say you would need more of a control surface in full sweep though. Especially st low speeds.
"I found myself in a state of questionable controllability. It was very strange, I would give it aileron input and it wouldn't do anything, then it would roll like mad. It also went high alpha at one point and just kind of floated in mid air."
Ok, so this is pretty much exactly the scenario that I found myself in with the maiden on my F-14. It happened again on the third flight. The first crash resulted in a tree landing and the other one lawn darted into my driveway. But i know exactly what you mean in terms of controllability. It didn't matter what you did with the aileron, it just wouldn't move. Same goes for the high alpha, it just kinda floats there.
I didn't come up with anything to fix it, it only happened with the wings swept forward (second flight they were back and it was fine). I haven't come up with any fixes yet, but I put my project on hold for a little while (summer school's the worst