This Could Be Fun! FT Battle Blimps!


Master member
Hmmm stretched rubber bladder against pointy mylar kinda at atmospheric pressure........

There used to be a happy dozen (?) places making RC blimp bags and kits online, but I see the attraction to diy balloon. Mylar balloon bags can be had at your local party place. 3m makes all sorts of tapes available at your local building supply house. Your covering iron will seal the end as well as moms clothes iron, but use some sort of shield to prevent melty silvered mylar from sticking. Helium is available at wally world kind of places.

No, @Mr Man there are no plans, it's kinda the point...

Mr Man

Elite member
Hmmm stretched rubber bladder against pointy mylar kinda at atmospheric pressure........

There used to be a happy dozen (?) places making RC blimp bags and kits online, but I see the attraction to diy balloon. Mylar balloon bags can be had at your local party place. 3m makes all sorts of tapes available at your local building supply house. Your covering iron will seal the end as well as moms clothes iron, but use some sort of shield to prevent melty silvered mylar from sticking. Helium is available at wally world kind of places.

No, @Mr Man there are no plans, it's kinda the point...
Haha, I'm not very interested in these EZ styled planes, I like SPEED AND POWER!!!


Techno Nut
I've thought about doing something like this over the years. Glad they did this to put more people on to the idea. I recently picked up a bunch of brushed ESCs, some are even bi-directional which could really be fun to use on something like this! I had a bunch of mylar baloons from a bankrupt bike store that I wanted to do this with, but as luck would have it, They were old and deteriated and didn't hold up. Still have a bit of helium to play with.

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Techno Nut
Have you DONE this???? It's possibly the most fun you ever had with clothes on and sober.
I did help a family try to get an inflateable in the air at FliteFest '24....

I'd really like to do this for a family with a young flyer at our indoor flys.....