This Hobby is for the Birds!!


Site Moderator
Will be really exciting when you go down flap. Btw, birds don't necessarily like being inverted unless they are fighting
LOL, no, I thought I'd start with neutral and go up. And mine loves being inverted.... just before it hits the power lines. Haven't been able to land on them yet.


Master member
Power lines are like trees. Really difficult to extract a hung up plane.

Here in Reno, they are also bare wire and the general rule is: the higher the wire the more voltage.

You DID hint at using them as flaps, hence my response

L Edge

Master member
What category do you put your "bird" in?

Closest thing I ever got to a birdlike device was maiden an ornithopter which was a real cool thing to fly. Structure, gearing was all aluminum and cost the guy over $400 to purchase. Had to preflight (lube it up) in order to fly the sky.


Site Moderator
What category do you put your "bird" in?

Closest thing I ever got to a birdlike device was maiden an ornithopter which was a real cool thing to fly. Structure, gearing was all aluminum and cost the guy over $400 to purchase. Had to preflight (lube it up) in order to fly the sky.
It's probably closest to a flying wing. The V tail has quite a bit of pitch authority but not much in the yaw. Other that the LongEZ that I scaled up and modified this is my first time out of the long tail boom box.


Master member
From what I saw, the down moving side of the birds V tail looks useless. In effect you have only half the force available. My parrot moves hers off to the side when she needs to turn slow speed. Don't know how to model that.


Site Moderator
@Piotrsko , you grumpy old coot, that was some good advice! Built a new body (still not a fuselage on a bird) and took out the plus wing incidence and took the V tail back to neutral. Built a new wing and moved the high point forward 3/8" and aligned the ailerons with the bottom of the wing which gives them about 10 degree reflex. Also put in 2 levels of "up" flap so I could increase that reflex in flight just for fun.
First flight launch at half throttle - it flew out of my hand straight and level and flew like it was supposed to! The anti-flaps were fun but not needed. Giving it more up reflex it would nose up and needed down elevator but really helped the glide. It's a fun bird. I'll post the plans soon.
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