The guy at staples helped me out a bit. He ended up enlarging the page 335%
I wish FT would put the enlargement size on the standard full size plans you print out. Other than that keep up the good work!
I'm glad it worked for you, but this seems odd to me -- Every plan I've D/L'ed and printed from FT, the page size was correctly embedded in the file. Once the helpful-but-not-quite-trained lady at the local Office Depot print center turned *OFF* the scaling, and properly rotated the job to fit on the paper roll, it's printed perfect -- the inch guide consistantly matching a ruler.
In all fairness, I have yet to print a set of the Versa plans (and probably won't since I've gotten someone to print a set for me), but I've printed several sets of plans, both older and newer than the Versa. Every set has been properly sized, even though every set has been a different page size.
BTW, Welcome to the forum!