Tiny Twister - 2021 EZ/Micro Build Off


Elite member
Here's my entry for @GrizWiz's 2021 EZ/Micro Build Off.
This is an idea I have had for awhile now for an aerobatic indoor aircraft. The gym we have available for indoor winter flying is quite small, so typical depron aerobats don't have much room to manuever.
Wing span will be 18". I have a 5 gram outrunner I plan to use with a Spektrum UMX Rx/ESC board.
I will be using 3mm Midwest Cellfoam for the airframe with some carbon reinforcements.
Hopefully it will come out looking something like this:
Tiny Twister-Concept.png


Elite member
Here's my entry for @GrizWiz's 2021 EZ/Micro Build Off.
This is an idea I have had for awhile now for an aerobatic indoor aircraft. The gym we have available for indoor winter flying is quite small, so typical depron aerobats don't have much room to manuever.
Wing span will be 18". I have a 5 gram outrunner I plan to use with a Spektrum UMX Rx/ESC board.
I will be using 3mm Midwest Cellfoam for the airframe with some carbon reinforcements.
Hopefully it will come out looking something like this:
View attachment 198998


Elite member

Tail feathers cut out.

The stab was then bent into a vee, and a jig held it at the correct angle while it was glued to the aft end of the carbon boom.

Then the boom assembly was glued into the fuse pod. The wing was blocked up to ensure proper alignment.

Ready for the next step.


Elite member
Landing Gear

The landing gear was bent from some 0.030" piano wire. It was then sandwiched between two formers and all was glued into the fuse pod.
View attachment 200784

On its legs for the first time.
View attachment 200785
Very nice! I hope it flys well. I am probably not going to be able to finish in time for the the contest. I am in the middle of moving and have very little time. I will most likely judge though.


Elite member
Very nice! I hope it flys well. I am probably not going to be able to finish in time for the the contest. I am in the middle of moving and have very little time. I will most likely judge though.

I am hoping to wrap this one up tonight but am not sure if I will get it flown by Wednesday.


Elite member
Control horns were cut from 1/32" ply and glued into the surfaces.

Control surfaces were hinged using some white packaging tape.

Electronics installed and the control rods run to the tail. Wheels were installed and retained using some plastic stoppers stolen (along with the wheels) from an E-Flite UMX.

Getting close now!


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