New member
So, I'm still a green newbie at building, but I had fun finally getting my tri into the air. I have a battery question... Here's my setup... I've got the Emax CF2822's spinning 8x4.5 props, Turnigy plush 25A esc's, and a KK2.1 board, and I'm using a 5000mAH 3S, 20-30c battery with it. It flies great and nothing is warm when I land, but is that battery asking for trouble down the line?
In the newbie battery video, the guys say the mAH is like the size of the gas tank, so I got the battery along with some 2250's to try for longer flight times. Is my reasoning sound on this? Or wishful thinking...
Another question, any recommendations for prop savers for the CF2822's? I had a prop spin off last night due to prop saver failure. Everything is fine but the servo, which I can replace. But I'd like to avoid the unintentional aerobatics in the future. (Although the 2 1/2 rolls to the crash site was pretty spectacular!) Anything you guys have found that is tried, tested and trusted?
In the newbie battery video, the guys say the mAH is like the size of the gas tank, so I got the battery along with some 2250's to try for longer flight times. Is my reasoning sound on this? Or wishful thinking...
Another question, any recommendations for prop savers for the CF2822's? I had a prop spin off last night due to prop saver failure. Everything is fine but the servo, which I can replace. But I'd like to avoid the unintentional aerobatics in the future. (Although the 2 1/2 rolls to the crash site was pretty spectacular!) Anything you guys have found that is tried, tested and trusted?