Tough Tilt Tricopters!


Winter is coming
I was lazy/cheap with my electrohub tricopter build using the 13-370 tilt (old style non-tough tilt) running with the Flip 1.5 (old MultiWii predecessor to Naze32/base/cleanflight) and am running it with all counter-clockwise props / motors because I didn't want to try and find a CW prop nut/adapter nor buy lots of CW 9x4 props. I had a ton of 9x4 CCW props for fixed wing use, so I'm happy to just use those... Of course, my tilt/tail motor has a neutral built-in tilt of between 5-10 degrees, but it hovers hands off in ACRO mode!

Of course, I'm just learning so no aggressive flying yet. Once I get the tough tilt, I'll replace the existing tilt and will try more aggressive flying.

Josh Bixler

I noticed this is for 1/2" booms. Are there any thoughts about creating one that supports 10mm booms? David's current tricopter offering uses 10mm carbon fiber booms. Should I break the tail mount again, this would be a nice replacement (except for the part where it doesn't fit).

Hello brother. I put a 10mm by 1mm grove in the tilt. That way it settles in and centers on the boom. David has really cool radius in his booms and it may need to be reinforced or screwed in. But there are holes for that in the tilt too. Hope this helps friend.



Senior Member
Has anybody duplicated or have more information on the swappable landing gear that they have made? I have a similar setup on my hex but is on the original Anycopter frame. It looks like they put grommets to connect to the holes on the electrohub. Truly interested in converting my hexacopter to the dragonfly, as I love how my bat bone tricopter flies and haven't been able to get my hexacopter the way I like it yet


Junior Member
Hi all, beginner pentacopter question

Does it make sense to use the angle arm brackets on The DragonFly. I would only use them on the three upward facing motors Nd leave the two at the CG straight.



Junior Member
Pentacopter Build

That Dragonfly awesome, But I can't convert my Tricopter sense I'm using DJI style motors. I would really love it if you guys make a build video or how to setup a Pentacopter with all 5 motors right side up. I am wanting to modify mi own but am not sure how to position the extra 2 motors and how to set up the Naze32. If anyone haves info that can help it would be great.

Keep up the great channel and products.


Junior Member
I have a question about tri copters. I just built the new tri cop with the tough tilt. Can anyone tell me what I plug the servo wire into? I am using the flip 1.5, does it go in the flip or the reciever? And which conection.Thanks