

Rotor Riot!
New frame plans with 4th motor mounting?
MR3 Multi Rotor 3
m1t Top
m1m Middle
m1b Bottom
.x ?


HAHAHA You're good :)

.x is for experimental!



The thing is that if you put your motor above the center plate, it will not generate any thrust, because it will be stopped by the center plate (Newton Law), so it will not be usefull.


Rotor Riot!
The thing is that if you put your motor above the center plate, it will not generate any thrust, because it will be stopped by the center plate (Newton Law), so it will not be usefull.

That's true. Unless... you put it far up enough that enough of the prop wash goes by the center plates. Closest thing that has been tried is a Y4 config, two motors up front, and two counterrotating motors in the back (like the Y6) - instead of using a servo for the yaw.


Or you can make a pyramid shape that covers the center plate to make a deviation to the air coming from the top motor. In that case I think the aerodynamic shape of the pyramid SHOULD work, but i'm not sure.


Or is it possible to put 2,3 or 4 top motors at the horizontal position with a reverse prop and deviate the air to transfer the horizontal thrust to a vertical thrust, just like the ventilation in a house?


Rotor Riot!
Or is it possible to put 2,3 or 4 top motors at the horizontal position with a reverse prop and deviate the air to transfer the horizontal thrust to a vertical thrust, just like the ventilation in a house?

Possible to duct the air, but inefficient.


On my tricopter, I have a low voltage alarm, but I don't know at what voltage I should make it beep!


I flew my tricopter for the first time today and it was uncontrollable, as if the gyros were not responding at all and the patform was not stable! Result: crash on the ground, broke one arm and a motor. Can someone help me to not have to live that situation again? What should the sensivity of the gyros should be like the first time?


Senior Member
Can someone help me to not have to live that situation again? What should the sensitivity of the gyros should be like the first time?

Is the controller board mounted with the arrow forward?

Is your radio set to 90 degree swash mix if using heli mode?

Did you calibrate the throttle end points?

When you give it throttle, do all the motors start at the same time?

Take the props off, bring the throttle up, now roll, pitch and yaw the tri-copter by hand, can you observe the gyros compensating? I.e. when you roll left, does the left front motor spin up? When you pitch forward, do both front motors spin up? When you yaw right, does the rear servo roll right?

Are your gains set to 50% to start?

What board/firmware are you using?
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All of what you said was done, but I still got problems with my ESC's calibration. I did the calibration well before flying and still the M2 motor was spinning up when my throttle was at 1/6. The board is the KK board v2.1 and the firmware is V1.6 by KapteinKuk and my gains were all at 50%


I did the calibration well before flying and still the M2 motor wasn't spinning up when my throttle was at 1/6.


Senior Member
Here is how I programmed my Plush 18's and DX6i, flies like a dream.

-Brake is off
-Battery type = NiMh / Nicd (note this changes the startup tune, you won't hear a beep per cell any more)
-Cutoff mode = Reduce Power
-Cutoff threshold = Medium
-Startup Mode = Normal
-Timing = High

-Type = Heli
-Swash Type = 90*
-DR/Expo = 80%/30%
-Thro = N
-Elev = R
-Aile = R
-Rudd = N
-Pitch = N


Amateur Extra Class K5TWM
Here is how I programmed my Plush 18's and DX6i, flies like a dream.

-Brake is off
-Battery type = NiMh / Nicd (note this changes the startup tune, you won't hear a beep per cell any more)
-Cutoff mode = Reduce Power
-Cutoff threshold = Medium
-Startup Mode = Normal
-Timing = High

-Type = Heli
-Swash Type = 90*
-DR/Expo = 80%/30%
-Thro = N
-Elev = R
-Aile = R
-Rudd = N
-Pitch = N

Really? :confused: What is gained by using a Heli mode rather than a plane mode? I have always used plane when using a KK board.



Senior Member
Really? :confused: What is gained by using a Heli mode rather than a plane mode? I have always used plane when using a KK board.


Custom throttle curve (idle up), rotorcraft icon on the display, throttle hold ability for safety and trimming out the rudder throw on the bench etc.