Trouble connecting to SP Racing F3 through Serial


Hi all,

I'm trying to implement control of my quad through an XBEE. I started on this thread, which got me into the Multiwii Serial Protocol.

Another thread on the MultiWii forum goes into interfacing the board through Arduino, and this library was brought up, which should execute datalogging of the attitude through MSP.

This assumes the serial connecting is already sound. I'm having connection problems, it seems.

The pinout for the FC I'm using can be found in this manual. I'm interfacing through Arduino, and I'm already sure the commands are outputting on the correct serial port. Right now I'm bypassing the XBEEs and connecting straight to the port UART1 on the FC.

I'm getting no return traffic, which is confusing. I've tryed switching RX and TX, with no luck. Everything is on the same power source, so no issue there. Has anyone dealt with this topic before? If this isn't the best place to ask, does anyone have recommendations?

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Techno Nut
What baud rate are you connecting with? Are you sure MSP is enabled on UART1?

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