Tuff Trainer w/ Floats!


Senior Member
Lol. I put "floats" (noodles) on my HK Tuff Trainer. Does anyone have any suggestions? I put it in my pool and taxied around. It works pretty good except that the whole horizontal stabilizer submerges underwater. Anyone know how I can fix that?
Photo on 5-12-12 at 2.22 PM.jpg

Funky Diver

The whole plane needs to sit level for it to work. You might also want to cut the foam so they're more pointy at the front (like a boats hull) else if you do get off the water and need to land, the front is just going to stop and it'll go arse over tip.


Put a metal clothes hanger or something somewhat shapable through the middle of the pontoons to bow the front of the pontoons up. Pretty much the same thing Funky Diver says.


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pool noodles without major modification only work for helis as they do not need forward motion (which those floats will prevent!)

The tips above are good but you also need a 'step' under or just behind the CoG, else it won't leave the water.

Have a read of this page: http://www.maac.ca/articles/maac_articles.php?art=float and if nothing else this diagram:
