Gentlemen, thank you so much!! This is but one of MANY reasons why I love this Forum. No Lie - it's the only one that I'm on with any frequency.
This and a RC Ground Forum are the last two remaining, that I visit at all!! 😉
I had a feeling that they were cross compatible. I'm glad you verified it.
It will likely stay a 6 Channel... Futzing with Firmware and reprogramming devices, is WAY above my Pay Grade!!
My Ground Radio is the venerable FlySky GT3B.... That's been hacked since Day Two. 😲😎
I'm still on 3 channels. Same reason.
If I was EVER near ANYONE else in the Hobby, I'd gladly let them reprogram both. I'm a Loner - NOT by choice. My 3 Channel Ground TX, now has Firmware to give it up to TWELVE Channels!!! That's extraordinary for a RC Truck. But I no longer have the dexterity to operate 12 - especially since the upper Channels operate by manipulating Trim Knobs and Parameter Sliders.
I'd be SO lost!!!
And would never make use of all of it! MAYBE 6 or 7....